
陈智燊(Jason)和宋熙年(Sarah)于2016年拉埋天窗,2018年诞下囝子Damon,一家三口生活幸福美满。昨日,两公婆齐齐在社交网站分享全家福响应「I Stay Home For」活动,并公布怀第二胎的喜讯。




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The past few months have given motherhood a new level of responsibility and made our family stronger. Being blessed with another family member, we first have to be physically and mentally fit so we can continue to look after each other, protecting ourselves is of the utmost importance. The Chans are so excited and staying positive, and at the same time hoping everyone can fight this Pandemic together as one! #wecandothis #istayhomefor #ourlovedones #medicalprofessionals #theelderly #YOU #SandJProduction2020 #familyof4 #Damon哥哥 @chanjason_

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& I’m so lucky I have the perfect family who give me the strength to do my best to protect them. Now we are blessed with the extra family member who constantly reminds to stay vigilant, to stay positive in these difficult times. We have to look after ourselves and look after each other! And congratulations to Baby Damon who’s going to be a big brother!!! Thanks to my lovely wife who’s not been out of the house much. I promise I’ll take you somewhere nice once we’ve gotten rid of this virus. @RahRahSong #MotherOfTwo #FatherOfTwo #BossBaby #BossBaby2 #BabyDamon #BigBrotherDamon Thank you to all our friends and family who are always so generous with your love. A massive thanks to all the healthcare workers and other frontliners all over the world for keeping us safe. Thx to all the people who’ve been working so hard to not let life come to a standstill: supermarket staff, bus drivers, taxi drivers, post office colleagues, everyone from behind the scenes who’ve been turning up to work everyday to ensure we can find some kind of normality in all this craziness. #StayHome #StayHealthy #StaySafe #IStayHomeFor

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