Tiramisu - literally means "pick me up". how "romantic", a dessert has something to do with picking up chicks/guys. yeah it's from one of the romantic nations Italy.

Tiramisu is an Italian dessert with a specific soft sweet cheese "Mascarpone". it's layered with coffee & alcohol mixture dipped biscuits and mascarpone & cream mixture. it shouldn't be too hard if you have the right tools and a good teacher, which is this blog.

Tiramisu 系一个好出名的芝士糕甜品. 主要材料是 Mascarpone 这种芝士. 这种芝士是其实一种甜的芝士, 与 车打芝士, 薄饼芝士等咸芝士不同, 主要就是要来造甜品. 也有人放进薄饼或意粉来增加幼滑感的. 这个芝士蛋糕, 另一个材料就是浸了咖啡和酒的饼干. 成品就是芝士及饼干, 夹层出来的.

它的原意大利文, 意思其实是类似 "来沟我吧" 咁样的. 食甜品可以食到咁... 真系意大利人先做得出.

we need:

做呢个甜品, 我地需要:

Mascarpone Cheese 250g


thickened cream (or double cream)


3 eggs, white and yolk seperated

3 只蛋, 蛋白和黄要分开

pure cocoa powder for baking
"drinking cocoa" has sugar and other stuff mixed in it and it normally contains only about 20% cocoa.

纯可可粉, 即系100%可可粉, 标牌价钱会比可可饮品冲剂高, 因为可可其实一的都唔平, 但唔好以为买冲剂就可以, 因为那些冲剂通常只有 1/5 左右的可可, 其余都是糖和奶粉但比例不明, 所以糖&可可量会在做甜品时非常难控制, 而且计落其实更贵.

lady's finger, which is a biscuit not a body part

this biscuit is used because it's more like a dried sponge cake, and it absorbs the coffee and alcohol well, yet wont be soaking wet or be easily squashed.

这种也是意大利的手指饼, 无一般"嘉顿手指饼"咁硬, 质地似是轻而松而且吹干左的蛋糕. 用这种饼因为它可以有效吸咖啡吸酒, 而吸左之后又唔会好像真蛋糕咁湿淋淋, 亦无咁易被压扁.


And some wine, preferably Marsala. in this one we used Southern Comfort and Dark Rum. Southern Comfort is a sweet liquor and dark rum has a strong flavor. so we mixed those two to enhance the flavor and texture of the final product. some restaurants even use 7 different kinds of alcohol.

仲有酒, 传统来讲用Marsala效果最好, 这里用左Southern Comfort和黑冧酒, Southern Comfort也是一种甜的烈酒, 而冧酒就浓郁, 所以我地混合两者以达更丰富层次感. 有些餐厅更会混合7种不同的酒.

 This is the ingredients list:

2 cups strong black coffee
1/2 cup marsala
3 eggs, separated
1/3 cup caster sugar
250g mascarpone
300ml thickened cream, lightly whipped
1 large packet of sponge fingers (savoiardi)
cocoa, for dusting

3只蛋, 黄白分离
300毫升厚忌廉, 略打
1大包意大利手指饼, 大概有起码十几廿条 传统会用Savoiardi

and the Method:

Pour coffee and marsala into a shallow dish. Set aside.

Beat egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl with electric beaters until pale and thick. Add the mascarpone and whipped cream, mixing gently until just combined.

Beat eggwhites in a medium bowl with electric beaters until soft peaks form. Using a large metal spoon, gently fold eggwhites into the mascarpone mixture.

Dip enough biscuits into the coffee mixture to cover the base of a 19cm square ceramic dish. Cover the biscuits with one-third of the mascarpone mixture. Repeat layers 2 times, ending with the cream. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Dust generously with cocoa and serve.

将咖啡和酒混合, 放埋一边.

将蛋黄和砂糖用电钻混合打出吉士, 直至颜色变浅及厚身. 将芝士及已略打的芝士同蛋黄混合, 请轻手, 不要电打.

用电钻将蛋白打到企身, 系, 打到佢企起身. 然后将蛋白再混合去芝士混合物, 仍然轻手.

将手指饼浸入咖非&酒混合物, 然后排好在一个大概19cm边长的正方型容器. 然后倒上芝士混合物, 厚度大概与饼差不多. 然后再重复浸饼, 排好, 再倒芝士. 整2层. 放入雪柜2小时, 取出再洒可可粉.

beat the egg white with electric mixer on high until it's firm and stiff.


beat the thickened cream as well until it's fluffy


mix the cream, egg white and mascarpone cheese together until they're smooth and well combined. don't beat with the mixer, this is to keep the cheese as smooth as possible.

将蛋白蛋黄及忌廉芝士混合, 轻手, 不要电打

coffee and alcohol mixture, we used dark rum and southern comfort.


first layering of fingers, and then cream mixture.


second layer on top of the first


dusting on top




 look at me here i'm tips.

1. to dip the lady's finers into the coffe, you can't soak it totally or the whole thing will be too wet, like soaking wet. but if you don't dip it enough it'll be too dry. approximately push one biscuit into the mixture so that the liquid's covering the biscuit, for 2 seconds. when you take it out, it should NOT look dripping or too wet, but it should be easily noticeably heavier, just, like it's been soaked in liquid.

2. try to layer them evenly, thickness of cream should be more or less thickness of biscuits. also be aware if you want to push the biscuits on the top layer down, don't push too hard, or the cream between the biscuits will be pushed out on the sides and the whole thing won't be as creamy. just try not to push them if you don't need to.

3. don't add gelatin.


1. 饼唔好浸得太湿, 亦唔可太干, 大概浸2秒, 拎上黎唔应该湿到漏水或者就快断开, 但应该感觉到吸左一定水份的重量.

2. 试将饼和芝士均匀夹层, 做第二层时尽量唔好按, 否则芝士会迫左出黎, 第一层就会少左芝士, 食落好似全部都系蛋糕无芝士咁.

3. 唔好落鱼胶粉.


Reference: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/8677/tiramisu
