2011/8 在香港参加英文弥撒时,听到英文版本~











作曲、英文作词:Richard Mullan


祂平息怒海镇息汹涌潮汐,  He can turn the tides And calm the angry sea.

祂亲自谱写壮丽优美乐曲。  He alone decides Who writes a symphony.
祂点亮星星闪耀幽暗天际,  He lights ev'ry star That makes our darkness bright.

祂看顾保守漫漫长夜孤寂。  He keeps watch all through Each long and lonely night.
祂仍必垂听无忌童言祈祷,  He still finds the time To hear a child's first prayer.

圣贤或罪人祂都乐意相亲。  Saint or sinner call And always find Him there.
虽我们生活时常令祂伤心,  Though it makes him sad To see the way we live,

祂还是说宽恕你。      He'll always say, "I forgive."


祂成全美梦化愁云为朗晴,  He can grant a wish Or make a dream come true.

祂成全宿愿化阴郁变光明。  He can paint the clouds And turn the gray to blue.
祂非常清楚彩虹现于何处,  He alone knows where To find the rainbow's end.

祂非常明白地平线外何处。  He alone can see What lies beyond the bend.
使聋子听见瞎子看见主面,  He can touch a tree And turn the leaves to gold.

使你我言行无所遁形主前。  He knows every lie That you and I have told.
虽我们生活时常令祂伤心,  Though it makes him sad To see the way we live,

祂还是说宽恕你。      He'll always say, "I forgive."

