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想知道..鱼浆的英文是什么?中英物语与你分享! 很多中英文翻译很困难,像妄想,宿醉,速度球,计较,辛苦了,加油,接种疫苗的英文怎么说等。我翻译了数千条难翻成英文的中文,再也没有能难倒你们的中英文翻译。
中英物语是个中翻英网站,请多 f分享,有问题随时 f发问,我必尽快替您中翻英。
请参考 eTalking 线上英语学习。
The Mandarin Chinese language and the English language are two most spoken languages in the world. Translating Chinese into English isn't always easy. The goal of this website is help Chinese speakers translate some of the MOST complicated Chinese terms into simple English terms!

今日挑战 - 请中翻英

Smith 先生宣誓就职成为非洲的新财政部部长。

今日挑战 - 解答

Mr. Smith has been sworn in as Africa's new Minister of Finance.