AKIRA, the husband of Taiwan’s top model Lin Chi-ling, recorded an exclusive video for the release of NOWnews’ new Website on May 5 in which he gave his blessings and greetings to readers.

For the occasion, he asked his wife for advice to say “hello” in Chinese accurately. The result was beyond expectations!

日本知名服饰出新招 抢防疫商机竟卖这「物品」 | Uniqlo to sell ‘Airism masks’ at Japan stores
放宽精神科病房探视 指挥中心定3原则逐步开放各行各业 | CECC sets 3 rules for reopening of all industries
不甩中国施压 蔡英文霸气回应挺香港|Taiwan to offer assistance to Hong Kong People: President Tsai
