Boris Johnson is now in intensive care unit, a spokesperson said. (AP)

【看英文中国邮报学英文】英国首相强生( Boris Johnson )上个月 27 日确诊感染新冠肺炎,震惊全球;由于连日来高烧不退,已于 5 日傍晚被送往伦敦市中心的圣汤玛士医院( St. Thomas’ Hospital )住院,但却在台湾时间 7 日凌晨传出病情恶化,已被转移到加护病房,并交待英国外交大臣拉布( Dominic Raab )在必要时代理其首相职务。

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was admitted into St. Thomas’ Hospital late Sunday evening, was transferred to an intensive care unit yesterday as his condition worsened.

Johnson has appointed Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab as his deputy during his recovery.

综合英国《 BBC 》、美国《 CNN 》等外媒报导,英国首相府发言人强调,强生受到非常好的治疗和照护,并感谢所有公共医疗系统的医护人员所付出的努力,但并未透露强生的详细情况。英国外交大臣拉布则表示,政府会继续相关工作,「首相正由优秀的团队妥善照顾中,政府会将重点放在确保其施政方向,所有能使我们战胜疫情和这次挑战的计划都会被实行。」

Foreign media including the BBC and CNN quoted Johnson’s spokesperson as saying that the prime minister is under good care by medical staff, but he would not provide more details on Johnson’s current conditions.

Regarding the current state of affairs, Raab said: “The government’s business will continue and the Prime Minister is in safe hands with a brilliant team at St Thomas’s hospital. And the focus of the government will continue to be on making sure that the Prime Minister’s direction, all the plans for making sure that we can defeat coronavirus and can pull the country through this challenge, will be taken forward.”

强生在 3 月 27 日宣布自己确诊新冠肺炎,原本 7 天就能结束居家隔离,但因他在 4 月 3 日因身体仍有病征,所以继续在家隔离,同时远端指挥英国政府防疫工作。然而,周日时强生因持续发烧而接受医生建议「预防性住院」,昨天( 6 日)稍早时,强生并曾在个人推特上发文,称自己「精神状况很好」,但过几小时就传来他转入加护病房的消息。

Johnson on March 27 said he contracted the deadly virus. He was due to finish his quarantine in 7 days.

As of April 3, he was still suffering from pneumonia-related symptoms while handling government affairs. However, it was reported yesterday that Johnson’s fever did not go away, and was advised by his medical team to be hospitalized as a precaution.

Johnson made a video the day before claiming he is in good spirits, but almost immediately afterward, news came that he had been transferred to an intensive care unit.

Johnson previously held a meeting remotely after confirming his infection on March 27, 2020. (AP)

Last night, on the advice of my doctor, I went into hospital for some routine tests as I’m still experiencing coronavirus symptoms. I’m in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team, as we work together to fight this virus and keep everyone safe.

— Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 6, 2020


The reports claim that Johnson has delegated matters to Raab and the Buckingham Palace has also announced that the Queen has been informed of the current situation.

截至台湾时间 7 日清晨 6 点,英国的新冠肺炎确诊人数为 52274 例,并已有 5383 人因此死亡。

As of six a.m. April 7, the United Kingdoms have 52,274 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 5,383 dead.

※【NOWnews 今日新闻】提醒您:


※ 【The China Post 英文中国邮报】reminds you:

Taiwan CDC asks that travelers who show symptoms such as fevers or coughs upon arriving in Taiwan need to put on a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, please inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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