

以下中译Limitless Minds有关4月天蝎新月提示部份


4月的天蝎座粉色满月 - 今年的主要转折点







这时也是内在感觉特别敏感的时间, 并且是4月满月明确的影响性,所以一定要保护你的能量场,并对自己和其他人保

如果天蝎座能量的最高形式呈现是无条件的爱,那么这个满月就构成了这样一个问题 - 我有什么需要去体验呢?为了

“无条件的爱”是并不能完全能表达这种能量, 并列上神圣的爱或开明的爱等,这些词也似乎不足以表达天蝎的最高形


谁、你内在最真实的一面, 以及你在地球上有目标。



只有通过臣服和接受内在的不安,才能让学会你真正舍弃和放手。你必须学会面在那些让你感不安的部分, 如在泥泞中

无论表面下面隐藏著什么东西,你一直在努力地去对抗或是隐藏著任何不安的想法和感受, 这些最终都需要显现和爆破





继续去爱或接受爱, 即使你感到受到伤害。继续去爱即使你感到已经失去了爱。去爱即使你目睹和感受到可怕的心痛和
破, 爱是人类能够做的最有力的事情,也是我们所有人最终目标和课题。



不管是爱自己或是他人,请永远不要停止寻找传播爱的方法。因为爱就是你, 爱你原来的本质并且这个世界需要这种爱


The April Full Moon is one of the most potent and magical of the year, and falls on the 29th-30th in the sign of Scorpio.

The Scorpio Full Moon is always deeply transformative and is one of the best times for letting go and cleansing away things that no longer serve you.

Full Moon’s are always drawing things out of us and awakening parts of us that need to be cleared, but under the presence of the Scorpio Full Moon, we are being encouraged to do this in a way that will deeply transform us. We are being encouraged to do this in a way that will awaken and enlighten us.

Scorpio represents death, rebirth, and unconditional love. It also represents the stages of consciousness, or the peeling back of layers. At the core layer, Scorpio energy brings us the power of unconditional love, but on the surface layers, Scorpio can bring us ego and greed.

Scorpio energy has the potential to move and shift to where it is needed, which is why having the Full Moon in this sign can be so powerful and also so personal.

Around the time of the Full Moon, pay attention to what new insights, thoughts or feelings emerge for you. This may be a time of deep introspection, or you may feel the need to also retreat and protect your energy from the outside world.

Feeling extra sensitive may be a definite side effect of the April Full Moon, so be sure to protect your energy field and be kind towards yourself and others.

If the highest form of Scorpio energy is unconditional love, then this Full Moon poses the question- what has to die for me to experience this? What do I need to let go of in my life in order to feel the unconditional love that resides within?

“Unconditional love” is a poor set of words to describe this energy and the love that we all are, perhaps it is Divine Love or Enlightened Love, but these words also seem to fall short.

Feeling this Love is about feeling your essence and your true power. It is about feeling the forever you, the forever conscious part of you that shifts and transforms and goes through all sorts of deaths, but also keeps on living.

Under the light and energy of the Scorpio Full Moon, you are going to be given the opportunity to peel back some of the layers that have been holding you away from feeling this true essence. You are going to be given the opportunity to feel who you really are, and what you have come on this Earth to achieve.

With this new awareness, you will be able to start clearing, releasing, and letting go of things that are blocking you from finding and feeling your truth. But this is not just about setting affirmations and doing cord cutting rituals, although these can help, instead this energy requires you to surrender and accept.

april full moon astrology

It is only through surrendering and accepting the uncomfortable, that allows you to truly let it go. You have to learn to sit with the parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable. You have to learn to sit in the muck and mud and face up to your fears and anxieties.

Whatever has been bubbling beneath the surface, whatever uncomfortable thoughts and feelings you have been working with need exposure, and they need you to sit with them in order to clear them.

The time to open and release the skeletons in your closet is now. No more hiding, no more trying to cover them up with fake positivity and a smile, the time to face them is now.

It is important to remember that no matter how much growth and work you do, there is always going to be more. No matter how many challenges that come your way, there are always going to be more.

The trick however, is to remember that along with these challenges and growth there is also something else that comes along too, and that is the beauty of transformation, the beauty of digging a little deeper and uncovering a new layer or a new part of yourself that you were not conscious of before.

It is this uncovering that will lead you to your truth.

Loving even though you have been hurt. Loving even though you have lost. Loving even though you have witnessed and seen terrible heartache and destruction is the most powerful thing a human can do and is the deepest purpose of all of us.

Despite being hurt, or abused, or torn, we still can love, and this is where we find our true power. This is where we find true enlightenment.

The energy of the Scorpio Full Moon runs so deep and will touch you wherever it needs to touch you, and awaken you wherever it needs to awaken you, all you need to do is remember to surrender, accept and just keep on loving in whatever way feels right to you.

Love yourself, love another, just never stop finding ways to spread love. For love is what you are, and the world needs more of you.

