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Breastfeeding is amazing in so many ways. From the intense bond it can help you form with your baby to the benefits it has on your baby’s health. There’s a reason breast milk is called “liquid gold” 🌈 Breastfeeding is really a true gift from God, it is amazing how the body knows to produce and provide milk as soon as the baby is here. I have heard of some other fellow mums who struggled, with issues such as latching or milk production. Although at times I do wish I have more milk so I can keep more stored, but honestly I am just so thankful that my body is providing enough supply for my baby 👶🏻🍼 My daily routine these days is to feed, pump, change and put him to bed. I love every moment of it and I can’t wait to watch this little milk monster grow. I also feel so privileged when I can pump extra milk to allow my husband to then feed our son, giving them a chance to bond in their father and son time U0001f970 Sometimes I look at how much milk my body can pump out, and it really brings a joy to my face when my body can produce more than what my son needs! A lot of my friends have been asking what breast pump I am using, and Medela is the brand that have been bringing a smile to my day often lately! Simple pleasures of motherhood 🙏 #Medela #Breastfeeding #BreastMilkPump #MotherhoodDuties #SimplePleasuresOfMotherood #MilkSupply #MilkMonster

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This Christmas & New Years has been a very special one to me. Not only is it the most favourite time of the year for me, but one of my main life goal’s was accomplished too. I am proud and grateful to announce the birth of my son; Roman Sze (施睿文), born on 27th December 2019, weighing 8.6 pounds! I had a whole delivery plan mapped out from the beginning, but I can now say, none of it went according to plan. But one thing I know, is that sometimes, as much as you try to plan something, it is never in our control, but God’s! I am so thankful for His blessing to us of this baby boy @romanszeeee ! After 16 hours of intense labour, my husband and I decided to opt for an emergency c-section, and I am thankful to all the doctors and nurses at Sanatorium hospital who helped us deliver our gorgeous boy. To my husband - thank you for never leaving my side, for sticking with me throughout every hour of the process and to then even stay with me & our son the whole 5 days and nights in the hospital. You are the rock of our family and I love you so much! The moment when I saw you hold our son for the first time, I could not stop crying, knowing that you are going to be such a good dad. Lastly, to all mother’s out there and especially to my own mum, I love you and I am so grateful to you. You all are so dedicated, strong and powerful. I am truly so happy and excited for 2020!!!! Wishing everyone the best New Years. Lots of love, The Sze’s #FamilyOf3 #MyFamily #BabyRoRo #HappyNewYear #2020

Toby Leung(@tobyleungchingki)分享的贴文 于 张贴

另外,官恩娜(Ella)与中法混血丈夫Juan-Domingo Maurelle于2015年结婚,育有4岁儿子Gabriel及2岁女儿Aurelie。日前是两人的结婚5周年的大日子,Ella收到丈夫送的鲜花,又透露当日到凡尔赛宫影婚纱照后,老公竟遗下她的高跟鞋,她当时很生气,但现在回想却觉得有趣,是个可跟子女分享的故事。

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大年初一同大家拜个年!祝大家身体健康!心想事成!笑口常开!大吉大利!财源广进!出入平安!龙马精神!生意兴隆!一本万利!横财就手!步步高升!岁岁平安!财运亨通!万事如意!福星高照!五福临门!四季平安! 鼠年快乐!#Maurellet #CNY2020

ekMaurellet 官恩娜(@koonella)分享的贴文 于 张贴

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Les vacances d’été commencent! #Summerholiday2019 #motheranddaughter #BéBéA #AurélieHélèneMaurellet #18months #一年一度之同老公返乡下 #Maurellet #必经之地巴黎 #个仔啲鄕下话越讲越好教返我转头

ekMaurellet 官恩娜(@koonella)分享的贴文 于 张贴
