luxury tax        

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Luxury Tax

A luxury tax is a tax on luxury goods, i.e. on products not considered essential. In order to narrow down the widening gap in wealth and curbing real estate speculation, Taiwan's Ministry of Finance (MOF) proposed in 2011 the “Statute for Special Commodity and Service Tax” act on luxury goods. Luxury goods will be levied for 10%. Houses not inhabited by the owner and sold within 2 years after purchase will be charged with a tax of 10-15%. For a decade, Taiwanese government has been striving to curb rampant speculative property transactions and the widening gap in wealth, which BBC News regarded as “an unusual move.”

Taiwanese government claimed that this act would "impact only around 5% of the population on the top of the consumer pyramid.” The government also believed that by conducting this act, an annual revenue of 15 billion (TWD) will be added to the national treasury. Such an increase will be allocated to social welfare programs. From the social perspective, property agents and sectors oppose the luxury tax act. Most Taiwanese, however, embrace it with the confidence in its release of their living stress, especially in the metropolitan area.

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