优质画面、强大阵容、丰富内容,免费下载? 这么好? iVIC带你一探究竟!!!





Firemonkeys的Sam为我们带来的最新消息 :


Real Racing 3 releases worldwide Feb 28 for free on iOS, Android, and Amazon Appstore

Just posting a new thread on this as I'm sure many people will be asking about it. We've announced the game will be released worldwide on Feb 28 on mobile and tablet devices for free.


Here's my comment on the game being free:
Today we announced Real Racing 3 will be free. And yes, Real Racing 3 was designed from the ground up to be a free to play experience. We are so excited about this game and wanted it to be accessible to everyone so we didn't want there to be any barriers to entry. This accessibility is also what drives the awesome new Time Shifted Multiplayer feature, in that you can play competitive multiplayer with anyone any time, and they don't need to be online with you at the same time.
At launch we have 46 licensed vehicles covering 3 classes, a 22 car grid, real world tracks, 8 varied event types and 900+ events. This means hundreds of hours of gameplay for free making this one of the most expansive games ever on mobile. We plan to continue to add more free and exciting content with every update.






看看Real Racing 3整个开发过程,这么优的画质,可以说是手机、平版上最好的画面,无人能敌!! 内容也是非常精彩,有来自各大厂牌的跑车、超跑,例如: Audi, BMW, Dodge, Ford, Koeniggseg, Lamborghini, McLaren, Nissan, Pagani, Porsche等(官方尚未完全公布),并且收录了世界上知名的真实赛道,例如: Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Silverstone    Mount Panorama, Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Suzuka Circuit, MELBOURNE等(官方尚未完全公布)。




免费? 为什么有这么好的事?


游戏的开发不是一件容易的事,尤其是手机游戏,如何做到3D建模的精致、真实的环境效果、精致的贴图,而又要兼顾效能、游戏的内容等,真的很不容易。那为什么这次Real Racing 3开放免费下载? 

早期App Store上的游戏大作,大都订价为9.99美元,像RPG大作Chaos Rings更卖到15.99美元的高价; 后来,有更多开发商加入,由于价格的竞争、节日的特价、消费者捡特价品的心态,以及游戏内容不及其他游戏掌机(例如:PSP)等的因素,使得App Store上的游戏大作最高的订价平均改为6.99美元。但后期App Store上的游戏大作,内容已不同以往!! 越来越丰富化,画质也越来越优,而6.99美元的生态,真的会让开发商却步!!

6.99美元? Real Racing 3有这么优质的画面(超越PSP,媲美PS Vita)、强大的阵容、丰富的内容,如果只卖6.99美元,而你是开发商,你愿意这样卖吗? 答案一定是" NO ",如果我们提高价格呢? 订价为15.99美元,或是29.99美元呢? 那可能换成消费者say " NO ",当然,像我们这样对赛车、跑车热爱的玩家,一定会买帐,但并非所有人都能接受。那该怎么办呢?

我们可以从GT Racing Free看到一些影子,这款游戏从2010年卖6.99(如果我没记错),到后来下架,以免费下载的方式重新上架,想要跑车、超跑,那你一定得付一些钱,才可能玩到。那Real Racing 3呢? 我相信也是差不多,游戏免费下载,除了靠自己努力达成「成就」,可以换取买车的金钱外,还可以购买游戏金钱包,但我猜测,某些超跑,或是特定赛道,可能要花更多的游戏金钱购买,那玩家就要花更多更多的时间去玩,才能赚到游戏里的金钱,像GT Racing是你努力花时间玩,但会有等级的极限,级满后,就很难赚钱,想买超跑玩玩,那最后一定得花钱买游戏里的金钱。那Real Racing 3呢?

游戏还没上市,我不确定详细会如何,但以上是iVIC长期对App Store的观察,所做出的推测、分析,有一定的参考价值。





你们准备好了吗? 2/28游戏发售日即将到来,准备来一场刺激的赛车体验,与完美的视觉飨宴吧!




想知道更多Real Racing 3的消息吗?

[News] Real Racing 3 最新开发日志影片,超棒画面(2/5新增第5点) 

[AppNews] GT5 ? 还是Forza 4 ? Real Racing 3即将震撼你的视觉!




Real Racing 3, 2/28开卖, 发售平台iOS, Android, Amazon


(本文所有撷图皆来自Firemonkeys, Real Racing的Facebook)







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