
Eli Terry's Clock

(重複2017-10-28,2017-06-25,2017-03-11,2016-10-15,2016-04-23,爲2016年年度新題,話題重複TPO30 The Invention of the Mechanical Clock)


第二段—Eli Terry改變了鐘錶的傳統生產過程,用木質表芯替代了黃銅表芯(brass movement),發明各種工具來製造鐘錶以此降低對工匠的技藝要求,並最終機械化大規模生產鐘錶,大大降低成本,使得中產階級的人都可以擁有鐘錶。

第三段—Eli Terry進一步對鐘錶做出了兩個改造:一是壓縮體積(compact),成爲可擺放在書架上的小型鐘錶(shelf clock);二是外面加木匣罩住內部表芯,使之更美觀。

第四段—Eli Terry又對鐘錶的外觀風格做出了改進,設計出“柱子和卷軸”(pillar-and-scroll)裝飾風格,體現出新古典主義的時尚味道(stylish)。

painstakingly = with great effort 費力的

precise = accurate精確的

his imitator = the people who copied him他的模仿者

A wooden gear shelf clock movement made by Eli Terry, 1825.


Distribution of Seaweeds 海草的分佈

(話題重複TPO44 Seagrasses, TPO22 Spartina)


artificial = human-made人造的

duration = length of time持續時間

diminished = reduced減少

mortality = death死亡


Individual Performance and the Presence of Others




A person's performance on tasks can be enhanced or impaired by the mere presence of others, and a person's behavior as part of a group can be quite different from the person's behavior when acting alone.

In certain cases, individual performance can be either helped or hindered by the physical presence of others. The term social facilitation refers to any effect on performance, whether positive or negative, that can be attributed to the presence of others. Research on this phenomenon has focused on two types of effects: audience effects (the impact of passive spectators on performance) and coaction effects (the effect on performance caused by the presence of other people engaged in the same task).

In one of the first studies in social psychology, psychologist Norman Triplett looked at coaction effects. He had observed in official bicycle records that bicycle racers pedaled faster when they were pedaling against other racers than when they were racing against the clock. Was this pattern of performance peculiar to competitive bicycling Or was it part of a more general phenomenon whereby people work faster and harder in the presence of others than when performing alone Triplett set up a study in which he told 40 children to wind fishing reels as quickly as possible under two conditions: alone or in the presence of other children performing the same task. He found that the children worked faster when other reel turners were present than when they performed alone.

Later studies on social facilitation found just the opposite effect that the presence of others, whether co-acting or just watching, could hurt or diminish individual performance. Social psychologist Robert Zajonc proposed an explanation for these seemingly contradictory effects. He reasoned that we become aroused by the presence of others and that arousal facilitates the dominant response the one most natural to us. On simple tasks and on tasks at which we are skilled, the dominant response is to perform effectively. However, on tasks that are difficult or tasks we are just learning, the incorrect response (making a mistake or not performing effectively) is dominant. This reasoning accounts for the repeated findings that, in the presence of others, performance improves on tasks that people do easily but suffers on difficult tasks. Other researchers have suggested that concern over the observers' evaluation is what most affects people's performance, particularly if they expect a negative evaluation.

What happens in cooperative tasks when two or more people are working together instead of competing Do they increase their effort or slack off Researcher Bibb Latan used the term social loafing to refer to people's tendency to exert less effort when working with others on a common task than when they work alone. Social loafing occurs in situations where no one person's contribution to the group can be identified and individuals are neither praised for a good performance nor blamed for a poor one. In one experiment, Latan and others asked male students to shout and clap as loudly as possible, first alone and then in groups. In groups of two, individuals made only 71 percent of the noise they had made alone; in groups of four, each student put forth 51 percent of his solo effort; and with six students, each made only a 40 percent effort.

Harkins and Jackson found that social loafing disappeared when participants in a group believed that each person's performance could be monitored and evaluated; indeed, even the idea that the group performance may be evaluated against some standard can be sufficient to eliminate the loafing effect. When a group is relatively small and group evaluation is important, some members will even expend extra effort if they know that some of their coworkers are unwilling, unreliable, or incompetent to perform well. Moreover, social loafing is unlikely when participants can evaluate their own individual contribution or when they have a personal stake in the outcome. It is also unlikely when participants feel that the task is challenging or when they are working with close friends or teammates. Some 80 experimental studies have been conducted on social loafing in diverse cultures. Based on evidence these studies have produced, social loafing probably occurs in almost all cultures.

enhanced = improved加強的

peculiar to = unique to對...特別

exert = put forth提出


Primitive and Advanced Termite Species


(重複2015-07-04,多選題爲表格題,話題重複TPO47 Termite Ingenuity)

第一段—白蟻的定義以及原始白蟻的食物消化策略:白蟻是收集進食植物的昆蟲,並把食物的化學分解交給體內的微生物。有兩種進食策略,最原始的白蟻就是直接嚥下植物,送往體內發酵室(body chamber),讓那裏的厭氧菌(anaerobe)分解纖維素變成葡萄糖(glucose),這種消化過程和牛非常類似。

第二段—白蟻的進化趨勢以及微生物在原始白蟻種羣內的傳遞:白蟻的進化趨勢是從小而隱藏的羣體進化成上百萬的 龐大羣體去建造巨大的蟻堆來進行熱量和氣體交換。原始的白蟻嚥下微生物來分解食物,這些微生物就是靠成年白蟻餵養給幼年白蟻一種特殊的液體分泌物獲得,並且當原始白蟻離巢繁殖時,它們的腸胃就帶有這些微生物用於傳給後代。




needless to say = obviously毫無疑問

adhesive = sticky粘的

ensure = guarantee保證


Dating Rock Art

(重複2016-10-16,話題重複TPO4 Cave Art In Europe,TPO23 Rock Art of  the Australian Aborigines)

第一段追溯Saharan rock art年代可以利用年代學(chronology)來確定,非洲藝術年代大約在2000至3000年前。第二段講chronology的定義;第三段講到非洲藝術到底多少年,大約12000年,有新方法發現表明不確定。第四段講新方法Carbon-14 同位素鑑定。第五六段講新方法也有缺陷,可以用間接方法charcoal dating。

postulate = propose假定

portable = movable可攜帶的

exceedingly = extremely極其地

their components = what they consist of組成部分


Pleistocene Extinctions




sparser = more thinly distributed更稀疏的

episodes = occurrences事件

proponents = supporters支持者

swift = quick快速的


Literacy and the Vernacular in Late Medieval Europe







proliferation = rapid increase in number 增殖

broadened = enlarged擴大

decipher = figure out解釋,破譯

sought = tried to obtain尋找


Mapping the World







lucrative = profitable有利可圖的

revered = greatly admired尊敬的

advent = arrival到來

impulse to = push toward推動


Differences of Biodiversity in Geographical Patterns


第一個理論是:熱帶地區接受的光照和降水要比溫帶地區多很多,意味着reproduce material 也要多很多,有助於植物的繁殖,繁殖的速度也好高很多,有利於多種生物的生存,但是溫帶地區就要少很多。舉了很多例子。


熱帶地區比溫帶地區持續的區間範圍大。熱帶地區是沿着赤道向南北延伸,是一個整塊的連續的地理範圍,但是溫帶地區是分別分散在北半球和南半球的。同時因爲熱帶地區溫度較高,所以寄生蟲(parasite)比較多,這樣就不利於同一種單一植物大範圍的生長,擴大了同種植物的地理間隔;而溫帶地區因爲冬季會殺死一部分植物,所以很多植物是單一物種集中生長的。 熱帶地區任何一個樹冠(canopy)都可能是一個生態,環境適合多種生物生長,但是溫帶地區則不然。


Animal Communication

動物交流會泄漏自己的位置給捕食者(predator),但是也會有很多好處:比如蜜蜂會跳舞來交流food location (第一題是個句子簡化題);可以幫助提高蜂巢裏其他蜜蜂的存活率,也提高蜂后的生育率。動物的交流不止侷限於同類物種之間,有時候prey-predator之間也會有交流,比如羚羊(gazelle)會使用一種叫做stout 的動作(兩個蹄子立起來)來告訴捕食的lion,它們已經察覺到lion了,所以這次捕獵lion很可能會失敗,這樣屬於對於雙方都有利的交流。但是有時候這種交流是有害的,比如海豚會利用聲波探知它要捕食魚羣位置。一般認爲動物之間的這種交流是要有一個sender 和一個receiver才能成立,但是有時候可能出現聲音交流被兩者意外的動物聽到的情況,比如bats 利用frogs求偶的聲音來捕食獵物,這種情況還會有進一步的進化,比如猴子用一種自己物種能聽到但是farmer聽不到的聲音來warn each other在它們偷莊稼的時候。現實的情況可能比之前的更復雜,動物們之間會有honest signal 和dishonest signal 兩種情況。比如孔雀開屏就準確的反映了雄孔雀的健康狀況,因爲沒有多餘的營養用於僞裝,雖然這種開屏也會可能引致捕食者。dishonest signal 的情況:一般認爲蟾蜍的聲音和它們的體型是有關係的,聲音越低體型越大,實力越強。但是有一種特殊的蟾蜍會在爭奪領地的過程中故意發出比自己實際體型相配更低的聲音,讓競爭者誤以爲遇到了很強勁的對手;另外一種情況是深海里一種魚會僞裝成另一種會發光的魚的雄性,然後利用發光吸引雌性然後把它喫掉。


The Medieval Agricultural Revolution





Prokaryote and Bacteria







