早餐是一日三餐中,大众花费最多的一餐,图片来源:Chris Ralston, Unsplash


The final reason why the marketing battle over breakfast is so fierce is that corporations have for decades seen it as the meal that offers the most opportunity to ring out more food spending from consumers.




早餐是营收最高的一餐,是多年来餐饮业不变的定理,图片来源:Emily Simenauer, Unsplash


Why have fast food chains focused more on advertising egg McMuffins, White Castle belgian waffles, and Taco Bell breakfast burritos? As industry members explained in a TIME article, “throughout the fast food world, lunch and dinner sales have been flat for years, while breakfast sales have climbed steadily.” You can find the same logic in cereal makers’ 1944 marketing strategy—the one that coined the phrase “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”


既然有那么多的相关品项,为何多年来速食业主要只有在玛芬堡夹蛋、比利时松饼及墨西哥卷饼之类特定的产品做宣传呢?在时代杂志上,就曾有一位从业者就对此做了解释:"在整个的速食业中,多年以来午餐和晚餐时段销量的成长一向都不明显,但是早餐并不是如此,反而都维持著稳定的成长呢。" 同样的,您可以发现在1944年麦片生产商的广告行销策略上,找到同样的逻辑-也就是前文所说的"早餐是一天当中最重要的一餐"



Breakfast is the grocer's most promising target,” one of their ad men explained. “Lunch and dinner in the average American home are fairly well set."



二战期间,营业学者们认为最好的早餐组合应该是全谷麦片搭配水果,图片来源:Brooke Lark, Unsplash


Did the marketers and executives genuinely believe in the value of promoting a cereal breakfast as healthy? Nutritionists had debated back and forth for decades whether America’s increasingly desk-bound workforce needed a hearty breakfast. (Really we’ve never stopped.) But by the time of the 1944 campaign, during World War II, government nutritionists had sided with the pro-breakfast camp. In the interest of improving the health of army recruits, they teamed up with cereal companies to suggest that everyone eat a “good breakfast of whole-grain cereal and fruit.”


不过负责相关产品的行销人员和管理阶级,向大众推广在早餐时吃麦片的观念的目的,真的就是在促进大众的健康吗?多年来,面对待办公室内的上班族越来越多的状况,许多营养学者们不断在争论著,到底他们需不需要一顿丰盛的早餐呢?(到现在这些讨论都还没停止过)。不过当1944年(也就是二战的战间期时)的政府宣传广告推出后,至少政府机关里的营养学者的风向就有转向,认为吃早餐是对人体是有害无益的。尤其当年正逢二战期间,为了要改善受征招的人员的健康状况,他们就和麦片厂商合作,并宣告"如果要吃一顿好的早餐,那么就应该要用全谷类麦片(whole-grain cereal)来搭配水果来做食用"


随著近年来的科技发展,研究人员发现,早餐对于体重管理及学生的成绩表现并没有明显的关联性,图片来源:Alisa Anton, Unsplash


Nutritionists are less certain about the value of this advice today. Those studying the issue say that studies that supported the importance of breakfast for weight management have been contradicted by more rigorous examinations—and that studies that examine the importance of schoolchildren eating breakfast have failed to show that breakfast (by itself) helps them focus on their work.




虽然早餐相关品项的营销成长速度惊人,但因为原本美国人就很少有吃早餐的习惯。对于食品业来说,是个极需投入并推广的市场,图片来源:Jonathan Pielmayer, Unsplash


But you won’t hear that from marketers. Breakfast is the most skipped meal in America, which means money on the table for the food industry.




虽然就本质上来看,怀疑有时候会阻隔了人与人之间的信任。但是在面对像是大众所认为的常理时,难免会需要怀疑,图片来源:Marcus Cramer, Unsplash


It’s always a good idea to remain skeptical of the claims made in advertisements and the ideas expressed by organizations with vested interests. But with breakfast foods, skepticism is particularly necessary. Since advertising is the foundation of the entire ready-to-eat industry, the incentives for deception are strong.




电扶梯旁各式各样的广告,图片来源:Mona Eendra, Unsplash


Be vigilant. Breakfast is the most marketed meal of the day.






原文出处:How Breakfast Became a Thing
原文作者:Alex Mayyasi
