在中国步入地产经济后时代,人口红利消失等情况下,想深入了解下发达经济发展的历程,求拨云开雾。 预知下未来经济发展的方向?






Let』s review the economic development of USA last century.
The USA had rapid economic development in the early twentieth Century because of the rapid development of science and technology. and the total industrial output jumped to the NO1 all over the world.
In order to obtain greater benefits and leadership in the western world,The USA was involved in The first War.
After the war America became the worlds biggest creditor and the largest capital exporter.More than 20 countries around the world owe a debt in the United States. The gold reserves increased greatly in the United States, until 1930, 40% of the worlds gold was reserved in the United States. Britains gold reserves only increased by 600 million from1913. International financial center changed from London to New York, the dollar got its position in the world currency, the pounds』 status began to decline.
In October 24, 1929, a sudden financial crisis swept over Wall Street, an unexpected economic depression across the whole world the United States .As the birthplace of the great depression, this country got into a big trouble.unemployment rate rise so fast,the whole country is filled with depressions.
: Although Franklin D. Roosevelt improve this situation a lot.people were still poor and economic was still a mess.
World War II raised internal demand in the US.in order to win the war, US decide to make part use of plan economic system. Luckily it succeeds .After war, the United States ensures its leading position. US become the richest country in the world.Than US want to make sure they can keep the leadership,so they set up the Bretton woods system

UNTIL now ,the economic dominance of USA is prominent.But as the rise of great powers in the third world,the satus of USA is under threat.The future president call on 『make America great again』 WILL elect Donald trump make it come true? Will American economy become better or not ?let』s watch a video to know Mr Trump.

Let』s review the economic development of USA last century.
The USA had rapid economic development in the early twentieth Century because of the rapid development of science and technology. and the total industrial output jumped to the NO1 all over the world.
In order to obtain greater benefits and leadership in the western world,The USA was involved in The first War.
After the war America became the worlds biggest creditor and the largest capital exporter.More than 20 countries around the world owe a debt in the United States. The gold reserves increased greatly in the United States, until 1930, 40% of the worlds gold was reserved in the United States. Britains gold reserves only increased by 600 million from1913. International financial center changed from London to New York, the dollar got its position in the world currency, the pounds』 status began to decline.
In October 24, 1929, a sudden financial crisis swept over Wall Street, an unexpected economic depression across the whole world the United States .As the birthplace of the great depression, this country got into a big trouble.unemployment rate rise so fast,the whole country is filled with depressions.
: Although Franklin D. Roosevelt improve this situation a lot.people were still poor and economic was still a mess.
World War II raised internal demand in the US.in order to win the war, US decide to make part use of plan economic system. Luckily it succeeds .After war, the United States ensures its leading position. US become the richest country in the world.Than US want to make sure they can keep the leadership,so they set up the Bretton woods system

UNTIL now ,the economic dominance of USA is prominent.But as the rise of great powers in the third world,the satus of USA is under threat.The future president call on 『make America great again』 WILL elect Donald trump make it come true? Will American economy become better or not ?let』s watch a video to know Mr Trump.自己写的,转载请经过作者同意,谢谢。








之所以是发达国家两个国家都有相同的地方也有不同的地方相同的:两个国家同样缺德 盛产游戏 几乎垄断世界市场 同样认真 执著 喜欢童话 也努力把国家打造成童话风格 喜欢格斗 UFC MMA K1说明一切 动漫大国 日漫不用说 美漫也很多 都很好战 日本人好斗是出了名的 美国更是地球历史上以来最好战的一个国家 高层都充满智慧 这是肯定的 日本是个有些像法师的国度 那句话怎么说来著 老法师 美国上层也是如此 现在被犹太利益集团掌权

还有一点很重要的是美国是新建成的国家 建国历史区区200-300年 日本则是被美国黑船开腹之后明治维新等于变相建立了一个新国家

在全球版图上都是特殊的还有一点 美国和日本都没有怎么被侵略过 美国就是独立战争打赢了英国 除此之外只有南北战争日本更是绝了 岛国没人看得上 所以日本除了历史上被蒙古侵略过几乎没人侵略过不过听说唐朝差点让日本灭国?因为日本招惹了大唐

不同的地方:日本封闭 美国开发 而且是移民国家
