

More than 140 survivors of sexual abuse by former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar joined hands Wednesday on stage to be honored with the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at the ESPYs.


Gymnast Aly Raisman, softball player Tiffany Thomas Lopez and gymnast Sarah Klein, who said she was Nassar’s first victim 30 years ago, took turns speaking. Klein chided the U.S. Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics and Michigan State for placing "money and medals above the safety of child athletes."


"We must start caring about children’s safety more than we care about adults’ reputations," Klein said. "If we can just give one person the courage to use their voice, this is worth it.’’ Raisman added, "For too long we were ignored. It could have been avoided. All we needed was one adult to have the integrity to stand between us and Larry Nassar." (AP)



join hands:慣用語,(字面)攜手,手拉手;(衍生)合作。

ignore:動詞,忽視,不理。例句:Since coming to power last year, President Emmanuel Macron has largely ignored protests over arms sales he deems vital to jobs and France’s strategic relationships in the region.(自去年上任以來,馬克宏總統對軍售抗議置若罔聞,他認為這些軍售攸關就業與法國的區域戰略關係。)

take turns:慣用語,輪流。例句:There is only one washing machine in the youth hostel, so we have to take turns to do the laundry.(這家青年旅社只有一臺洗衣機,所以我們得輪流洗衣服。)

  • 女運動員(左起)莎拉.克萊、蒂芬妮.湯瑪斯.羅培茲、艾莉.瑞絲曼與其他獲獎人,今年7月18日在「年度卓越體育表現獎」頒獎典禮上獲頒亞瑟.艾許勇氣獎。(法新社)

