

China is planning to launch its own ’artificial moon’ by 2020 to replace streetlamps and lower electricity costs in urban areas, state media reported.


Chengdu, a city in southwestern Sichuan province, is developing "illumination satellites" which will shine in tandem with the real moon but are eight times brighter. It will also orbit much closer to Earth; about 500 km away, compared to the moon’s 380,000 km, according to China Daily.


But not everyone is happy with the unusual plan. Critics have questioned whether light from the satellite would affect the health of Chengdu’s residents, both human and animal. It is unclear what impact the satellite would have on astronomy and stargazing.


Research shows excess light at night messes with human sleep, which is linked to increased risk for cancer, obesity and depression. It also disturbs the natural patterns of wildlife.



streetlamp:名詞,街燈、路燈。例句:He crashed his car into a streetlamp.(他開車撞上街燈。)

in tandem:副詞片語,同時、協同地、聯合地。例句:The heart and lungs will be transplanted in tandem.(心臟與肺臟將被同時移植。)

stargaze:動詞,觀星、遙望星空、眺望星星。例句:It can be hard to find places to stargaze around a major city like Philadelphia.(在費城等大城市附近,可能找不到可以觀星的地方。)

  • 中國計畫在二○二○年前發射自製的「人造月亮」,以減少電力成本,但批評者質疑,光害將危及人體健康。圖為今年八月北京市國家游泳中心(又名水立方)展出的月亮雕像。(歐新社檔案照)

