

South Korea’s Army unveiled an ambitious plan Thursday to equip all of its squads nationwide with advanced armored vehicles and other transportation by 2030.


The Mount Paektu Tiger (MPT) project, worth 1.25 trillion won, aims to enable all ground troops to move by wheeled-armored carriers, such as the K200 armed vehicle and other small tactical vehicles, rather than on foot.


All vehicles will be installed with improved bullet-proof and remote controlled weapon station systems. The MPT program is designed to make infantry more nimble and more powerful. All combatants will be provided with the warrior platform, composed of 33 kinds of tailored ICT-based devices, according to the Army.



tactical:形容詞,戰術(性)的、策(謀)略(性)的。例句:The army will make a tactical retreat.(這支軍隊將進行戰術性撤退。)

nimble:形容詞,機敏的、靈活(巧)的、敏(銳)捷的、機智聰明的。例句:The little girl had a nimble mind.(這小女孩很機靈。)

tailored:形容詞,特製的、量身訂做的。例句:The project requires a tailored computer system.(該計畫需要一套特製的電腦系統。)

  • 圖為南韓陸軍第11機械化步兵師的K200「韓國步兵戰鬥車(KIFV)」,於2017年8月31日在該國江原道洪川郡實施渡河訓練。(路透檔案照)

