

Seven years after the March 2011 nuclear disaster caused by a devastating tsunami, rigorous testing shows no radioactive threat from Fukushima’s produce, but local producers still face crippling suspicion from consumers.


Japan set a testing standard of no more than 100 becquerels of radioactivity per kilogram (Bq/kg). The standard for Fukushima’s seafood is even stricter, at 50 Bq/kg. The European Union, by comparison, sets that level at 1,250 Bq/kg and the US at 1,200.


Each day, more than 150 samples passed through a "germanium semiconductor detector." Rice undergoes screening elsewhere. Among all prefectures, Fukushima’s testing program is the most systematic.


A wide-scale decontamination program has also been carried out in Fukushima: topsoil removed, trees washed down and potassium sprinkled to reduce caesium uptake.


27 countries of the 54 that imposed restrictions on food from Fukushima have lifted those bans. Another 23 markets, including the United States and European Union, have relaxed restrictions; neighbors including China and South Korea have kept bans in place.



rigorous:形容詞,嚴格的。例句:Rigorous review of every article is necessary.(嚴格審核每篇文章有其必要。)

by comparison:慣用片語,相較之下。例句:Our performance is worse by comparison.(我們的表現相形見絀。)

sprinkle:動詞,噴、灑。例句:Powdered sugar was sprinkled on the top of the cake.(蛋糕頂端灑了糖粉。)

  • 日本福島縣磐城市的漁獲必須先通過輻射檢測。(法新社檔案照)

