

Two sites that are actively cataloging failed crypto projects, Coinopsy and DeadCoins, have found that over a 1,000 projects have failed so far in 2018. The projects range from true abandonware to outright scams, and include BRIG, a scam by two ’’brothers,’’ Jack and Jay Brig, and Titanium, a project that ended in an SEC investigation.


These conflagrations happen everywhere and are a global phenomenon. Scam and dead ICOs raised $1 billion in 2017 with 297 questionable startups in the mix.


ICO-funded startups currently use multi-level marketing tactics to build their business. Instead they should take a page from the the Kickstarter and Indiegogo framework.


Unfortunately, the lock-ups and pricing scams the current ICO market uses to incite greed rather than rational thinking are hurting the industry more than helping.



cryptocurrency:名詞,加密貨幣。例句:The SEC has announced the launch of the FinHub to promote public engagement on fintech-related issues, including blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.(美國證交會已宣佈成立「創新及金融技術策略中心」,以提升區塊鏈技術、加密貨幣等金融科技相關議題的公眾參與。)

ICO(Initial Coin Offering):名詞,首次代幣發行。例句:The increase in funds raised via ICO attracted the attention of regulatory authorities.(首次代幣發行的募資金額增長,引起法規主管機關關注。)

scam:名詞,騙局;動詞,詐騙。例句:Rita got involved in a scam and all her money was taken.(芮塔落入一場騙局,被騙光所有的錢。)

  • 2018年上半年已有超過1000個加密貨幣項目以失敗告終,其中不乏透過傳銷手法吸金的騙局。圖為香港一處商場的加密貨幣「採礦」設備展售。(路透檔案照)

