

A heated debate on mental health and its link to violent crimes is underway after a murder suspect requested that his medical history be considered to mitigate punishment. He had been medically treated for depression before allegedly stabbing a man to death.


Kim Seong-su, 29, is suspected of having stabbed a man to death at an internet cafe in western Seoul on Oct. 14. On Monday, he was sent to the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in Gongju, South Chungcheong Province, for a monthlong examination of his mental state.


As of Saturday afternoon, around 1,100,000 , have signed an online petition asking the presidential office not to ease Kim’s punishment on grounds of his mental health, making it the most signed petition since Cheong Wa Dae opened the platform last year.



mitigate:動詞,減輕、降低、使舒緩。例句:How to mitigate the effects of tourism on the tiny island is critical.(如何減低觀光業對這座小島的影響至關重要。)

on grounds of:片語,以…為理由(藉口)。例句:She was fired on grounds of graft.(她因貪瀆被開除。)

depression:名詞,憂鬱症、憂(抑)鬱、消沉、沮喪。例句:It is best to get professional help if you suffer from depression.(若你受憂鬱症所苦,最好向專業人士求助。)

  • 圖為一間南韓稱為「PC房」的網咖,顧客大多在網咖玩線上遊戲,通常就在這裡以韓國泡麵等速食解決三餐和消夜。(法新社檔案照)

