

The Liebian International Building in Guiyang of Guizhou province in China that boasts the world’s largest man-made waterfall has become the latest example of over-the-top architecture to draw national ridicule.


A spectacular 108-meter cascade tumbles down its face, but this feature has only been turned on six times, with the owners blaming the high cost - 800 yuan per hour - of pumping water to the top of the 121-meter-high structure.


The company says the feature pays homage to the local region’s rugged nature, but Chinese netizens have mocked the project as a waste of money.


China’s rapid economic growth has been accompanied by a construction boom, often including outlandish buildings that are criticized as a waste of public or shareholder funds.


The Beijing headquarters of state broadcaster China Central Television which is nicknamed "The Big Underpants;" the People’s Daily newspaper in the capital that looked like a penis during construction are also the targets of ridicule.



over-the-top:形容詞,過火的、極端的。例句:His statement was too over-the-top to be trusted.(他的聲明太誇張,讓人無法相信。)

homage:名詞,敬意、尊敬。例句:The President paid homage to the self-sacrificing soldiers.(總統向自我犧牲的士兵表達敬意。)

rugged:形容詞,高低不平的。例句:Taiwan has a rugged mountain spine.(臺灣有著高低起伏的中央山脈。)

  • 中國貴州省貴陽市的烈變大樓。(法新社檔案照)

