

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry and the telecommunications company KT have partnered to inform citizens via text message when their passports approach expiration, the company said Monday.


Under the service, which will be launched next Monday, citizens whose passports are due to expire within six months will receive alerts in advance to allow plenty of time for renewal.


KT said the service will help citizens avoid hassles and rejection at airport departure gates. Currently, most countries require international travelers to hold passports that are valid for at least six months after the departure date.



be due to:片語,本文做「預定…」。例句:We are due to leave next month.(我們預定下個月動身。)

hassle:名詞,麻煩、困難、問題。例句:I can’t face the hassle of moving again.(我受不了再搬家一次的麻煩。)

valid:形容詞,有效的、有根據的。例句:Is this contract still valid?(這份合約還有法律效力嗎?)

  • 圖為南韓一般國民的護照,其封面以韓、英文印有「大韓民國」字樣。(路透檔案照)

