六天五夜的SMKC日本演唱会爆肝之旅在上星期五画下句点。感谢SMKC三场精彩的演唱会,Myles现场真的超赞!很幸运在新干线月台遇见SMKC,拿到Myles. Slash. Todd. Brent. Frank全部团员的亲笔签名,还和其中三位合照(虽然戴著近视眼镜很呆= =)。

演唱会整理番号很后面所以没法站很近,依然抢不到PICK吉他弹片,但会后遇见美丽的Tamara再次好心送我Dammit的(哭QQ 日本人真的很疯狂快被挤死加呼吸困难但看到心爱的Myles一切就值得了!

最后要感谢一起同行的韩国妹,还有帮我买票的顺也先生,大感谢 kiki emoticon 期待下次再相 


My 2015 #WorldOnFire #JapanTour is over! Thanks Slash Feat. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators (Todd KernsBrent FitzFrank Sidoris) for the three amazing and awesome shows and pleasure to have photos with you. grin emoticon

And also want to thank Yunjeong Jang and Junya Suzuki for the company, I'm much appreciated. heart emoticon

See you next time no matter Alter Bridge or Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators!


