ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has awarded a top Chinese General with Nishan-i-Imtiaz (Military) for promoting friendship between the two all weather allies. President Asif Ali Zardari conferred the award on General Hou Shusen, Deputy Chief of General Staff of Chinese People"s Liberation Army at a special investiture ceremony held yesterday. The citation, read on the occasion, said the award was in recognition of his "consistent and valuable contributions in promoting relations and understanding between the two countries and armies." Hou also had a meeting with the President, along with his delegation, and discussed matters relating to Pakistan-China bilateral relations and defence cooperation. The President termed China a factor of stability in the region and said the convergence of interests and unanimity of views on bilateral, regional and international issues, has brought the two countries further closer, the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan news agency said. Hou assured that defence cooperation between the two countries, would grow with each passing day. Pakistan"s Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was also present during the ceremony. 伊斯兰堡:巴基斯坦向中国高级将领颁发荣誉勋章,表彰他在促进双边友谊方面所作的贡献。巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里在昨天举行的一个特别的授奖仪式上授予中国人民解放军副总参谋长候树森荣誉勋章。报到说:授予荣誉勋章是对将军在促进两国两军关系友好和相互理解方面所作的巨大贡献。候树森将军带领代理团拜会了扎尔达里总统,讨论了中巴双边关系及防卫合作方面的事务。总统称赞中国是维护本地区稳定的重要因素,表示中巴两国在双边关系,地区与国际问题上的一致认识使两国关系更为紧密。候树森将军表示两国的防卫合作将来会更加深入。巴基斯坦陆军总参谋长也出席了授奖仪式。以下是外国网民评论:英国James Bond 007 (UK) Pakistan is on the final path of disintegration and trying to find support outside their system. This Pakistan award means nothing to the Chinese. Dying pigs, giving awards to Chinese???? with the hope of getting some support??. Had Pakistan was secular and democratic like India, It would have had internal stability and need not have looked outside its system for support. Clearly Pakistanis are not Muslims, trying to be friends with communist dis-believers !!!!. Pakistan is paying price for division of nation in the name of Islam - A faulty religion that does not respect other beliefs and practices.巴基斯坦现在正处于一个分崩离析的路口,急于发掘外部支持。因此巴基斯坦的授奖对中国并无任何意义,是要死的猪了,还在给中国发奖???想再得到一丝怜悯???如果巴基斯坦不那么极端宗教化,有更多的民主,就会象印度那样有更多的国内稳定,也不会如此乞求外部势力的庇护。显然巴基斯坦也不是那么坚守伊斯兰教义,要不然还和什么也不信仰的共产主义中国交朋友???巴基斯坦以伊斯兰教的名义的所作所为正在付出分裂国家的惨重代价。伊斯兰教是什么?不尊重其它信仰,一个不能归为宗教的宗教。Syed Lakhte Hassnain Zaidi (London) China, an all weather friend of Pakistan, without any greed, sickness of supremacy neither an American poodle, like new India. It is now more than 10 years that Pakistan is fighting a war with USA and a war with India (extremists, narrow minded, Hippocratic,cruel, inhuman, barbaric and uncivilized Hindus) for 6 decades, and still going strong, although 1/7th of India in every respect. Once American leave Afghanistan, Pakistan ill sort these Hindu"s reminiscent of prehistoric world. Every soul n Pakistan is thankful to puritanical, sincere and peace loving China. Indeed the Award to their general a small piece of gesture from the bottom of our heart. Thanks Chinese. Long Live Pakistan to burn the heats of its enemies. Pakistan Pa-In-Da-Bad.中国是巴基斯坦全天候的朋友,没有任何贪婪,没有美国佬个人令人恶心的优越感,也没有印度新贵的虚伪娇作。实际上在过去十多年里,巴基斯坦与美国都是处在某种争执之中,与印度心胸狭窄的hindus冲突了60年。在这种情况下,巴基斯坦任何有很大的发展尽管综合国力只有印度的1/7。 一旦美国离开阿富汗,巴基斯坦还得忍受印度野蛮人的重重威胁。巴基斯坦所有人都感谢过著清教徒但真诚平和生活的中国人民。授奖给中国的将军只能表达我们心底想表达感谢的姿态,谢谢中国。印度人Indian (India) replies to Syed Lakhte Hassnain Zaidi 21 mins ago (09:33 AM)you moron Chinese are only using you against india, you Pakistanis are just a feet licking dog for Chinese你个傻瓜!!!中国仅想利用你反对印度,巴基斯坦就是一个狗,只会舔中国人的脚!!!巴基斯坦人Naeem (Pakistan) replies to Syed Lakhte Hassnain Zaidi Syed Lakhte Hassnain Zaid Sahib, aap kia bol rahe ho? As a pakistani ,I am also appreciative of our friendship with China but to be egtive about Hindus or India is stupid. Thank God not all Pakistanis thgink like you, Most will agree with me that we want to be the sttongest of friends with a nation that we were part of not too long ago and they are culturally and liguistically the same race. The Hindu religon is an ancient religon and has many noble and good things to teach the world. Hasnain Zaidi Sahbi,open your eyes and brain a little.作为一个巴基斯坦人,我也很珍视与中国的友好关系,但是对hindus 及印度本身的敌意也是愚蠢的。谢天谢地,不是所有巴基斯坦人都象你。肯定很多人与我一样,希望与不久前曾为同一国家的印巴两国有更加友好关系。我们在文化语言上有切不断的关系!!,hindus 也是一个古老的宗教,有很多珍贵的遗产对世界贡献给这个世界。Lakhte Hassnain Zaidi 睁开你的眼睛看一下,头脑清醒一点好吗?!

naveen_bohat_bay_sharma (Hazari Bagh) replies to naveen_sharma19752003 41 mins ago (04:28 PM)I don"t know why Chinese dislike Indians and assign only menial tasks to us. They call us Kanjur and Mirasee also.


巴基斯坦Gilgitti (Gilgit, Kashmir (Pakistan)) 19 hrs ago (10:20 PM)The great friends, Pakistan and China. Why should India be jealous. In fact Indians have a border land dispute with each and every neighbor of India. India with a very hard work has created 2 nuclear armed deadly neighbors for itself and now that process of "PHATNI" has started, the Indians feel the pain and are running to and fro with different types of funeral tunes. Ram ram Ganga, Kahay ko liya panga? If Indians ever come to Pakistan and have a drive on Pak China Motorway (Karrakoram Highway) right up to China, they will get a shock of their life and will refuse to go back.



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