

Reditt上有直接出镜,帮助了亚裔的 Rob 的帖子:I was on Hunted episode 3. ? r/CBSHunted,回复了几个问题。

另外转载realityblurred的报道:Behind the scenes of CBSamp;#x27; Hunted


Helping a team means agreeing to help the hunters. Rob wrote:

「I had to sign a release before Thu and Sentra can come over… and when the Hunters showed up I refused to let them inside and they quickly escalated to the Producer who explained that the paperwork I signed gave them permission to come in. It was super confrontational and it ended with some not so pleasant verbal exchanges between me and the male Hunter.」 (link)

Teams travel with a very conspicuous crew—including two cameras. The most immediate question about these kinds of shows is exactly how someone manages to hide while being filmed. And according to this person, there was quite the crew.

「There was a Producer and they had an assistant. They did a lot of work getting permission to shoot in all of the locations we went to… these guys worked so hard. There were 2 camera guys, a sound guy and a general assistant.」 (link)

「There were 2. The primary camera guy and his 『tech』. They were all amazing and it was obvious they knew exactly what they were doing. The primary camera guy carried the shoulder rig and was trashed by the end of the day – the other guy would set up go pro cameras and stuff like that.」 (link)「We spent some time chatting about lenses during our 『stop downs』. He was pretty much in our pocket most of the time – the 2nd camera man did the 『creeper』 shots through the bushes and such… the fugitives were never alone – someone is with them at all times.」 (link)

The crew behaves much like a normal reality TV crew. Besides having to secure location releases, which is no small task, there are also 「stop downs」 (i.e. breaks in filming), though the hunters also have to obey those breaks:

「Would do short 『stop downs』 during filming and the crew would go off and eat and we would get to eat as well. During that time we were not allowed to talk about the game – instead we got to hangout and try to stay calm while we distracted ourselves.」 (link)

「Of course the Hunters have all of the advantages (spoken as someone who was on the other side). The way it was explained to me is that during a stop down – the whole show was stopped. All of the teams, the Hunters, everyone. During the taping events on a national level happened and they 「stopped down」 to make sure all of the teams and crews were safe to operate before letting us get back to work. It is for safety… without defined hours it would be chaos.」 (link)

The show filmed in the summer, and one team was close to the Orlando terrorist shooting. One team was apparently nearby the Pulse nightclub when it was attacked June 12, 2016. (link)

There was no on-location manipulation by producers. Asked if the show was in any way 「scripted,」 Rob wrote:

「Not even a little bit. The rules of the game create 『ditches』 I think – but there is no script and the producers don』t get involved unless we get super off-topic. Thu and I are good friends so we would get distracted and the producer would jump in and start asking questions about the game – what the strategy was and get our heads back into the game. No script – no schedule. It is real.」 (link)

The editing did not accurately represent events. That』s according to Rob』s details:

「I should say this – in reality we never went to Bold Bean. It was a landmark I had given the girls but posted myself a block away to stop them from going in. I don』t want to sound salty but because the timeline is so compressed they had to take some creative liberties and I get that… but they didn』t get that footage from boldbean on the day that I told them they were there.」 (link)

「I know what you see is very compressed but the Hunters spent two days at my house asking questions and I am proud of that.」 (link)

The takeaway from all this is similar to the takeaway from my earlier reporting: What we see on screen isn』t an accurate representation of what happened, even if what happened during production was fair and honest.

我也在知乎问过这个问题 可能因为这档节目不算热 看的人少 也没有人深扒过背景什么的 又或者是知道的大拿懒得出来回答这个的问题 导致评论区连灌水的回答都没 但我本人挺喜欢这档节目的 所以就找了各处的帖子资料什么来看。

我第一个看的是美版开始还不以为然 跟著弹幕一起给密室小哥组刷6 骂模特组蠢 替律师小哥组惋惜 同时也为hunter们的各种侦查侧著技能所折服 但看著看著我也发现了整个季里最牛逼的组-摄像组

这帮人背著几公斤重的仪器跟著选手们上山下海马拉松短跑铁人三项等的 其实这都不算啥 他们最牛逼的地方在于能随时施展隐身技能 一秒变空气转变为上帝视角模式

后来我看了英版的潜行追踪 再加上一些评论什么的也释然了 什么路人一脸茫然的就你俩啊?什么路人口中说的我的车子只能载下你俩啊!这特么的就是剧本啊 原来摄像组全程强制隐身 那你们还真人秀个屁啊 真是击碎了广大真爱粉们幼小的心灵啊 还不如像英版的那样直接摄像师也当做参与者跟选手一起行动来的真实呢 (???︿???)

看弹幕有人解释是 逃亡过程中是没有摄像师跟拍的 我们看到的正片是后期补拍的 但是逃亡者好像是配有录像机还是咋滴 有时他们在逃亡过程中会对著录像机讲话 讲讲当天发生的事啊 都会被剪进正片里 所以会看到镜头像是自拍的 而不是摄影师拍的?﹏?大概就是这样的吧







