
  1. 物质通过主动运输(active transport),渗透(osmosis),简单扩散(simple diffusion)和协助扩散(facilitated diffusion)的形式怎么进出细胞
  2. 胞吞胞吐(endocytosis and exocytosis)的过程
  3. 细胞内小泡(vesicles)运输,内膜系统

Key features of each method of transport across membrane

1.4.U1 Particles move across membranes by simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and active transport.



主动运输(active transport)

物质从低浓度到高浓度逆浓度梯度进行运动,需要耗能的过程。movement of molecules from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration, with the use of energy (against the concentration gradient)包括利用蛋白质通道(pump)以及膜泡(bulk transport)进行物质运输两种。

1.4.A1 Structure and function of the sodium-potassium pumps for active transport and potassium channels for facilitated diffusion in axons.

  • 钠钾泵(sodium-potassium pump)是一个必须掌握的主动运输知识点,很多类型细胞里面都有钠钾泵(泵其实是globular protein),比如第六章里面的神经细胞会具体讲到,这一节要记住以下几点先:
    • 钠钾泵是消耗ATP的一种integral protein
    • 将钠运输到细胞外,钾运输到细胞内
    • 逆浓度运输钠和钾
    • 每次运输出三个钠会运回两个钾

1.4.U2 The fluidity of membranes allows materials to be taken into cells by endocytosis or released by exocytosis. Vesicles move materials within cells.

  • 胞吞(endocytosis):细胞膜内凹后磷脂形成小泡运输物质。transport of molecules into the cell through invagination of the plasma membrane and formation of the phospholipid vesicle containing the molecule
  • 胞吐(exocytosis):高尔基体释放出的小泡与细胞膜融合后释放出内含质到细胞膜外面。transport of molecules from the golgi apparatus to the cell membrane, using a vesicle made of phospholipids which upon contact with the plasma membrane fuses with it and releases the content outside the cell

  • 内膜系统(endomembrane system/ vesicle transport)
    • rER上的核糖体产生蛋白质
    • 蛋白质进入ER进行修饰(折叠或与其他分子结合)
    • 蛋白质包裹在小泡中,运输到高尔基体(cis Golgi)
    • 小泡与高尔基体融合,释放蛋白质到高尔基体中
    • 蛋白质进一步加工打包并以小泡形式离开高尔基体(trans Golgi)
    • 包含蛋白质的小泡与细胞膜融合,蛋白质释放到细胞外(exocytosis)

被动运输(passive transport)

物质从高浓度到低浓度顺浓度梯度进行运动,不需要耗能的过程。movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration (down the concentration gradient)

  • 简单扩散(simple diffusion):物质不需要蛋白质通道进出膜的一种被动运输。passive transport of molecules through a membrane, without the need of protein channels (oxygen diffusion)
    • 扩散是一种物理现象(Molecules are always moving, even when they are equally distributed/ have reached equilibrium),放到生物中物质进出细胞膜则发生于这种物质可以随意进出细胞的时候,比如一些非极性分子(non-polar),包括固醇类物质和甘油(steroids and glycerol),另外氧气和二氧化碳等气体分子也可快速通过细胞膜。血液透析(hemodialysis)中用到的仪器也是利用扩散的原理,第11章会具体讲到。
  • 协助扩散(facilitated diffusion) :物质需要蛋白质通道进出膜的一种被动运输。passive transport of molecules facilitated by channel proteins (sodium transport, calcium transport)。比较经常拿出来讲的例子就是ADP进入线粒体以及ATP出线粒体的过程,这两种物质都是通过协助扩散的方式进出膜;还有就是神经细胞面的钠钾通道

1.4.A2 Tissues or organs to be used in medical procedures must be bathed in a solution with the same osmolarity as the cytoplasm to prevent osmosis.

  • 渗透(osmosis):专门特指水的被动运输。从水多到水少的地方运输,不过一般扩散仍以溶质浓度去做定义。movement of water from the area of low solute concentration to the area of high solute concentration across a selectively permeable membrane

    • 水于细胞膜的扩散主要通过两种方式,一种是通过特殊的蛋白质通道——水孔蛋白,另外一种是通过细胞膜的间隙

    • 在渗透中会遇到solute potential(溶液越浓,potential越高,有的课本讲osmotic pressure或osmotic potential,都是一个意思)这个概念,可以用osmometer进行简单的解释

    • 动植物细胞中的osmosis,这些单词需要理解:hypotonic, hypertonic, turgid, flaccid, plasmolysis,人的应用经常会提到打点滴的时候生理盐水为等渗溶液

    • 淡水生活的单细胞生物,比如变形虫(protozoan Amoeba)会面临淡水不断涌进身体的状况,它们身体里面有特殊的水泵,叫做伸缩泡(contractile vacuole),可以源源不断地泵出水


Quiz on 1.4 Membrane Transport?


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    • 习题副本如有需要请在末尾选择「Send me a copy of my responses.」,系统会发送到你填写的邮箱。

Short answer question

    • Define osmolarity. [1 marks]
    • This image shows a normal red blood cell.

These images show two red blood cells that have been placed in solutions with different concentrations of solutes.

Deduce, with a reason, which red blood cell has been placed in a hypertonic solution.[1 marks]

  • The diagram (not to scale) shows a cell which contains water and sodium ions. This cell is immersed in a salt solution of water and sodium ions. State the mode of transport if water moves into the cell. [1 marks] State the mode of transport if sodium ions move into the cell. [1 marks]

  • Explain facilitated diffusion. [3 marks]
  • State the name of the structures formed within a cell by endocytosis. [1 marks]
  • Distinguish between active and passive movements of materials across plasma membranes, using named examples. [4 marks]
  • Explain how materials are moved across membranes of cells by active transport. [2 marks]


Clegg, C. Biology for the IB Diploma (2nd ed.). Hodder Education.
