令我紧张又期待的童书插画毕业展时间和地点已经确定了,希望大家都能来玩,因为差不多现在订机票刚刚好哟!(看手表)哈哈哈 而这篇因为实在太感谢很多同学们都注入许多心血在募款的过程当中,所以用烂烂的英文翻译了一下,跟他们分享。

Our MA Children's Book Illustration Graduation Show will held from 10 Feb to 14 Feb 2015 at Candid Arts Gallery in London. We also have a private show on 12 Feb. It is a perfect time to buy plan ticket right now, come to visit us!! XD

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2015 MA Children's Book Illustration Graduation Show
Address|5 Torrent Street, London ECIV INQ
时间:2015/02/10 – 2015/02/14


POINT「展前准备与规划|Advence Preparation」


Every experience is new to me because this is the my first time staying in a forign country alone for such a long time. Being a student again makes me feel passion again and accompanied with all these amazing tutors and classmates also activated me in so many ways. Time flies. As the graduation show's coming, I feel excited and nervous when I see their impressive works done. Still, I feel a little bit unbelievable that I am studying Children's Book Illustration right now. And I think what I have learned is far far beyond what I was expected. Therefore, whether these are good experience or not, it will all become unforgettable memory in the future.

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POINT「募款会议|The Meeting」

从预定好展览日期那一刻开始,很多事情就开始运作,为了可以节省大家在手册与场地上的费用,因此我们最主要运作的部分就是「募款」。首先开个小会议讨论要举办什么样的活动来募款,然后让所有人能够各取所长,所以前后是四次Cake Sale,(其中两次还再附加Card Sale)然后还有加上Kickstarter的网路募款,之后再决定一些小主题和内容。整个过程包含开会、排班、整理、租借、甜点与卡片制作等等都是采自愿参加,这个看似麻烦又复杂的募款因为大家的热诚突然就变得有趣。一开始只是开开玩笑,说目标是要募到 £4000,没想到最后真的成真,好不可思议。

There are plenty of things started to run after we decided our show date. And our main purpose is to fundrase for the degree showh's catalougue and the fee for the place. Everyone is volunteered for the fundraising including the organizer, the counter and the baker and the stall helper etc. At the end of the meeting, we decided to have cake sales, card sales and internet fundrasing on Kickstarter. 

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在会议时,很多人都会提出自己的想法和意见,只是有时候他们会很小声的murmur,讲得又快又模糊,所以我有时候会不小心就Fade out,哈哈哈。


POINT「手工烘焙蛋糕与卡片|Cake and Card Sale」


There are different cake sale's theme to provide some baking ideas. And it came out so many creative and delicious cakes made by our classmates. There are face painting, christmas cards to boost sales as well. Although we have canceled one cake sale becauce we all too busy for the crit, we still have raised almost £1000. It's AMAZING!!

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- A to Z Animals Cake Sale & Art Sale - 摆在摊位上很搭齁~


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万圣节的Face Painting,其实自己玩的很开心。


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这些都是全Home made的蛋糕和饼干,


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高手的台湾同学还自己做了Fortune Cookies啊啊!


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我们也同样为这个订制了一个主题「Cats and Dogs」,所有Full-time和Part-time的同学各画一只猫和一只狗,然后全部集合起来印制像是包装纸Wrapping paper、擦拭杯盘的抹布 Tea towel以及手提袋 Tote bag,全部募款时间是30天,赞助者收到以上的物品作为礼物。最初是预设£2000,觉得那样就很不错了,没想到我们在两星期就达到目标,最后还达到£3,265,让大家在毕业展上的预算可以松一口气!能够有这么多人欣赏和赞助让人感觉非常欣慰啊T^T

Beside the actual sale, we also have an online fundraising named “cats and dogs” at the same time. Every one in the course can draw a cat and a god, then gather all of thees pictures to make screen-printed wrapping paper, tea towel and tote bags as presents for the backers. We sat ourselves up for £2000 in the beginning and the result came out of our expected. Well Done!!

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耶~£3,265!约莫 160,000台币啊啊啊~~~


POINT「St*le Jar」

中途还有很可爱的小活动,就是教室里的「St*le Jar」。只要在Tutorial时说出了”Style”就要罚50p,哈哈哈哈。自从有这个活动,大家对于St*le都变得特别敏感,也又为班上带来很多欢笑的点~~

And there's one more activity called “St*le Jar” in class. In other words, we will need to pay 50p every time we said “style” during tutorial, including tutors. It brings another kind of joyful atmosphere in class after this activity.

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