



c朗似乎颇为满意新发型。 C朗拿度Instagram图片



碧咸上载新造型,man到爆。 碧咸Instagram图片

碧咸一家人齐齐整整。 碧咸Instagram图片


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Stay home and keep stylish 💇🏽‍♂️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 #stayhomestaysafe

Cristiano Ronaldo(@cristiano)分享的贴文 于 张贴

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Hey guys, I have a new challenge for you to stay active: the Living Room Cup 🏆. Can you step up and beat my core crusher record? Show me what you got and use #livingroomcup #playinside @nike @cristiano so I can 👀 you!

Cristiano Ronaldo(@cristiano)分享的贴文 于 张贴

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Just had to be done ✂️ #stayhome #staysafe #staystrong GOODNIGHT 🌙

David Beckham(@davidbeckham)分享的贴文 于 张贴

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Our Queen 💚 I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as well as care workers and those carrying out essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all... The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future... We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again... 💚 @theroyalfamily 🇬🇧

David Beckham(@davidbeckham)分享的贴文 于 张贴
