
 Vegan Granny’s Lemon Pudding Cake



The taste of lemon always brings back memories of the first love in an innocent time. Sitting on top of big stones, picking petals of a flower, asking if I am liked or not. Repeating the chanted question like a song I, oh so, depend my validations on. Does he really like me, or does he not? I never knew why the French people call this Granny’s lemon cake. Is it because Granny forgets but this reminds? Or is it because this is as unforgettable as the pure love you knew, even when you become one, a Granny. I am never sure. The only thing I am sure about is that the taste of this lovely cake does linger into my mind long enough that I decided I want to make it my personal reminder: I made it with as much passion as I had when I was a chaste little child.


        I don’t often see people eat lemon cake in Taipei, and I never got why. When they do so, they take the ones sold on the supermarket. The ones made with no passion. As I make these cakes, know that I made it with the same love I have for my fondest memories, I hope it reminds you of yours, too. The best part of it all is that, this is vegan!!


             In the beginning, I Use the fresh lemon juice to make this lemon cake, but always feel need to adjustment the taste, and every time I make is different taste until I found the lemon powder made from German, then the sour taste could have certain sour….yes! how could I expect all the lemon has the same sour? But even in this situation, I still like use fresh lemon juice~~^^


    In the button, I made a cup shape then I can put pudding inside, it is pity this cake made for a friend, otherwise I would like to cut it and see the inside what looks like~~I am very enjoying the different layers of color of the cake. Waiting for the pudding cool down and formed, then I put the cake on it, the bottom crust little bit thicker then the cake edge, and it is just let me past the lemon slice on the cake edge, it was so perfect not too pop out not to shrink~~nice looking and taste good!



Maybe my friend received this lemon cake will have a big surprise!!!


