Anyone who claims to understand quantum theory is either lying or crazy.

—— Richard Feynman

(註:之所以會寫這個小文,除了對量子由來已久的興趣外,更多是因為本人的研究方向Random Matrix Theory同量子之間存在很緊密的聯繫,除了早期Eugene Wigner關於energy levels的研究工作外,目前還有Quantum Chaos,Black Holes等,有機會考慮專門寫一篇RMT在QC方面應用的介紹;這裡我所列的定不完全,比如這裡我主要列出的是現代量子方面的人物和工作,關於經典量子物理的代表人物,如Max Planck,Albert Einstein,Niels Bohr等,並未列舉,我也無意於寫任何一個完全指導,僅列舉部分以作參考)


Paul A. M. Dirac, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics

Gregor Wentzel, Quantum Theory Of Fields(這是Freeman Dyson最早接觸的量子方面的專著)

Steven Weinberg, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics

Steven Weinberg, The Quantum Theory Of Fields: Foundations [Vol. 1]

Steven Weinberg, The Quantum Theory Of Fields: Modern Applications [Vol. 2]

Steven Weinberg, The Quantum Theory Of Fields: Supersymmetry [Vol. 3]

Anthony Zee, Quantum field theory in a nutshell [illustrated edition]

David Kaiser, Drawing Theories Apart: The Dispersion of Feynman Diagrams in Postwar Physics

Michio Kaku, Quantum field theory: a modern introduction

Freeman Dyson, Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition


Erwin Schroedinger, 薛定諤講演錄

Richard P. Feynman, Anthony Zee, QED : the strange theory of light and matter

Murray Gell-Mann, The quark and the jaguar: Adventures in the simple and the complex

Tony Hey, Patrick Walters, The New Quantum Universe(新量子世界)


Manjit Kumar, Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate about the Nature of Reality

John C. Polkinghorne, The Quantum World

John C. Polkinghorne, Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction(牛津通識讀本:量子理論)[註:可以先閱讀此書,以及上面的量子物理史話,以對量子概念和量子發展過程中的重要事件有一個大概的認識]




Scott Aaronson, Quantum Computing since Democritus


Andrew Szanton, The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner(亂世學人:維格納自傳)

James Gleick, Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman(費曼傳)

Graham Farmelo, The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius(量子怪傑:保羅?狄拉克傳)

Joseph Polchinski, Memories of a Theoretical Physicist(網上有中文翻譯)

Freeman Dyson, Maker of Patterns: An Autobiography through Letters

Quantum computers are still a dream, but the era of quantum communication is here.

