cut from 《The Walking Dead》recorded video



"Save him."


"Maggie ― Maggie…"

"No, he can't!"……"No! No, he killed Glenn!"

"We have to."

"We have to end it!"……"Rick ― We have to make it right!"

"It's over."

"No, it's not over… It's not over until he's dead! (repeated once more)"……"No ― No ― No…"

"No. What happened, what we did… what we lost… There's gotta be something after."

"The ones who have 'em up, put your hands down. We're all gonna go home now. Negan's alive. But his way of doing things is over. And anyone who can't live with that will pay the price, I pormise you that. And any person here who would live in peace and fairness… who would find common ground… this world is yours, by right. We are life. That's death! And it's coming for us unless we stand together! So go home. Then the work begins. Then new world begins. And this… All this is just what was. There's gotta be something after."




"What happened to their guns? Was that you?"

"It was. I introduced a sabotaging aspect to the manufacturing process unbeknownst to my colleagues inspired by Gabriel's purposeful ineptitude. And a few things you imparted to me before I vomited on you. Ergo, I created a modicum of  phooey for a full kablooey."

"That's for the puke."

"Fair play."




"It's for Henry. Will you tell him I'm gonna be okay?"

"Are you?"

"I'm gonna try. I know I need to be."




"My mercy ― prevails ― over my wrath…"



创作者 Huang 的头像

福尔摩沙 太平洋岛屿上的孩子们
