
MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF XX Hi-Tech Limited lncorporated the 15th Day of January, 2014.

目测这个「XX Hi-Tech Limited Incorporated」整体就是一个公司名……

Google 随便搜搜,以「Limited Incorporated」结尾(有的会加个逗号)的公司还挺多的啊……


"Incorporated" is defined as "set up as a Corporation".

"Corporation" is defined as "a group regarded as an individual by law".所以"Incorporated"详细的翻译应该是"成立为法人公司", 简单的可以考虑"法人公司"应该有法定的翻译,你问一下吧。



10605, incorporated [?n?k??p?re?t?d]

ADJ Incorporated is used after a companys name to show that it is a legally established company. (公司) 股份有限的

...MCA Incorporated …MCA股份有限公司



Limited (used after the name of a British company or business) 有限责任公司,股份有限公司(用于英国公司或商行名称之后)

Pearce and Co. Ltd 皮尔斯有限公司

XXXBusiness Corporation: XXX企业公司

XXX Group Company: XXX集团公司




MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF XX Hi-Tech Limited lncorporated the 15th Day of January, 2014.

译文:XX Hi-Tech Limited的公司章程。XX Hi-Tech Limited成立于2014年1月15日。


有些回答说XX Hi-Tech Limited lncorporated是公司名,我笑了。不能看到大写首字母就说它是公司名,没错,公司后缀Inc.的全称是incorporation,但是做后缀时,一般都是以缩写(Inc.) 的形式,以以Incorporated结尾的公司名我闻所未闻,而且我没见过一个Inc.和limited连用的公司名。要不就是XX Inc.要不就是XX Limited.

{lncorporated the 15th Day of January, 2014}是修饰XX Hi-Tech Limited的,是定语。



简单来说就是原本的 私有企业/小公司 上市/转型升级了。

「What does it mean to incorporate?

Incorporating a business means turning your sole proprietorship or general partnership into a company formally recognized by your state of incorporation. When a company incorporates, it becomes its own legal business structure set apart from the individuals who founded the business. Through incorporation, the companys owner or owners create a separate legal entity to transact business. This new business entity corporation or limited liability company (LLC) transforms the way the business is seen through the eyes of the law and often has more credibility with potential customers, vendors and employees.

How does incorporation work?

Wondering how to incorporate a business as a C corporation or S corporation or how to form an LLC? Here are some of the steps included in the process:

Determine where you want to incorporate.

Decide which business type is best for your business and goals. Consult with an attorney or accountant.

Determine who the directors of the corporation or who the members/managers of the LLC will be.

Select a registered agent. Your registered agent must be listed on your Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization. The registered agent is appointed by you to receive important legal and tax documents on behalf of your business and forward them to you. BizFilings includes this service in all incorporation packages.

Determine which business licenses are required for your business. If you plan to hire employees, you may need a payroll tax registration, and if you are selling goods, your business may also require a sales tax registration.

Prepare and file the Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization per instructions from the Secretary of States office. BizFilings handles this step for you, allowing you to concentrate on running your business.」


Incorporated 是指公司等实体在某地或者某时某日注册成立!

Inc.的原形是Incorporation意思是指:组成公司/注册/合并。如果加在公司名称后面,多是它的分词形式,但是已变成一个固有的形容辞汇:Incorporated .使用这种用法,多是美国式的用法,不加Ltd.。但是它的含义却是:『某某股份有限公司』重点在于性质是『股份制』的有限公司,意味著『按股分公司组成的』、『组成(股份)公司的』。

