我们应如何看待「The bigger the government,the smaller the citizen」这一观点?理由为何?

i thought when we talk big or small on government, we are not referring to its scale or its employees, we are talking about the power vs. rights. As mentioned in other answers, the example on Syria supported a pretty convincing conclusion that whenever the government is no longer functioning, the people will suffer from the lack of public production, like security, education, environmental protection, etc. However, on the other hand, when you take like North Korea as a comparison, you will feel pwned even just seeing from a pc screen, whenever your facial muscle, your willingness to clap, your casual trip to Malaysia, are overseen carefully by the authority. These extreme examples showed us it is crucial for a citizen in a modernized country to think how we balance the individual』s right to the government』s power. There are so many issues and argues are fundamentally based on this conception, like the recent gun control act in New Zealand.

It』s a good question. It』s a classic question in Law and Politics Science. It』s not sensitive and I』m just practicing my awkward written English. Keep up! Our Nation relies on people who take politics as a serious science.








