






我带M参加一次聚会,牧者把她加入了一个line群组,结果M整天就是看到群组的人在骂民进党与同婚,里面没有什么有营养的内容。 我听了觉得也是:议题归议题,党派归党派,我们不可能同意任何一个党派里所有的立场。与其整天骂,不如分享如何建立更好的家庭关系,好让人们真正的能从自己的生命中见证到一夫一妻的家庭为何会比较好吧。更何况,我的父系家族就住在228案发点(我奶奶还在两年前的228当天气到发心肌梗塞被送到马偕),母系家族有人是公务人员却因为不是支持国民党的职场生涯一直处于瓶颈。所以,即使我在同婚合法化议题不站在民进党同一线,但不管怎么样我们家都不会支持国民党的。表达自己对议题的观点并坚持自己的立场是没问题的,教会向一些违反基督徒价值观的政策提出反对也还ok,但是以教会为平台来向政治人物做出人身攻击,我觉得是有问题的。










最近比较多想到关怀这一块是因为读了神学院一位老师Andrew Sloane写的书。他本来是医生来的:

Sloane is not persuaded that the view "medicine is about health and healing and the alleviation of suffering" works. Instead he believes medicine is "primarily an expression of care for vulnerable human beings whose finitude and frailty has been exposed by physical or psychological ailment and whose ability to function in meaningful relationships has been compromised; its goal is to care for such vulnerable people so as to demonstrate our solidarity with them as suffering persons and seek to enable them to return to a reasonable level of functioning in relationships. Theologically, medicine is an appropriate expression of a well-formed community's care for vulnerable members of the community, a reflection of the character of God and an anticipation of the final transformation of all things to which God is drawing us and all things."

Medicine needs some EBM but also needs to transcend the physical and material to include values and relationships. It is not just medical knowledge but caring for vulnerable people. The "interpersonal relationship which constitutes the clinical encounter… repersonalises medicine."

"Modern medicine can at times be an instrument of alienation rather than restoration; it can cost people much in time and money and pain and inconvenience, and leave them worse off than they were before, even if they are "physically better". We need to imitate the character of Jesus, caring for people in their vulnerability, seeking to show them and others the dignity that inheres in them as a human creature, whatever their weakness and frailty, and act in compassion whatever the outcome."


