AnandTech对Gpu Turbo技术的解析(第七篇)

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原链接:Huawei』s GPU Turbo: Valid Technology with Overzealous Marketing

原标题:Conclusion: Still A Plus, But


Back in 2015, AnandTech was in the extraordinary position to be the first western publication to actually meet with HiSilicon, reporting on the Kirin 950 from their Beijing media briefing. One of the things I still remember from back then was a definitive sense of humility and a very good sense of self-awareness in regards to the company』s products. Things have changed a lot in the past three years, and Huawei as a company has grown considerably since then.


Huawei and Honor combined now sell 153 million smartphones a year, and Huawei is now the second largest smartphone manufacturer worldwide, recently overtaking Apple. Honor claims it is fifth worldwide. Huawei has also stated that it will raise its future R&D budget from 15% of total revenue (US$13.23 billion) up to 20-30% during the race to 5G. Both are major players in this space, to the point where Huawei』s in-house silicon design team, HiSilicon, creates its own SoCs to help differentiate its products from those based on Qualcomm and MediaTek SoCs.


The explosive growth from Huawei not only goes into R&D, but also marketing. As the company has expanded, we have seen smartphone launch after smartphone launch held in glamorous places in Europe, along with perhaps the biggest sampling program for smartphone launches ever: all members of the invited press to the show, typically around 500-2000, are sampled. This is compared to Samsung and Apple who offer limited units to select press only, or LG who does both unit distribution at briefings (30+) and sampling to press. With the desire to gain brand awareness, and recognition, Huawei has gone into overdrive with its methodology, which has been a metaphorical double-edged sword – while delivering innovative solutions on the technical side, the brand message in some ways strayed from its more humble roots.


Developing technologies like GPU Turbo is going to be key for Huawei. Huawei has obvious gaming performance, image quality, and power efficiency deficits to Qualcomm』s Snapdragon. Playing with the silicon die for price/performance/area is a balancing act and will offer some gains, but typically at the expense of other specifications. This is why GPU Turbo is important: development of GPU Turbo is a "free" efficiency gain from a hardware perspective. Rather than involving new silicon, its developed through a dedicated software effort, and as a result of the gains the feature is being rolled out across the range of smartphones that both Huawei and Honor offer at retail. GPU Turbo still has ways to go, such as expanding the number of games supported, and potential improvements on the horizon, such as having a single algorithm to cover all use-cases, but the future looks good for it.

Gpu Trubo这样的技术将会成为华为的核心竞争力。华为的处理器相比高通来说游戏性能更弱,图像质量更差,功耗表现更不尽如人意。平衡晶元的价格/性能/面积是一种艺术,但通常会有所牺牲。而Gpu Turbo这种技术从硬体的角度来看是一种「免费」的增益,它不需要任何的硬体改变。而只需要从软体上作出努力。并且由于Gpu Turbo的(纯软体)特点,它可以在华为和荣耀旗下的几乎所有零售手机上提供。Gpu Turbo在未来仍有提升空间,比如增加游戏支持的数量,或者一些根本上的进步。比如设计一个通用的演算法。

Marketing these technologies, like GPU Turbo, is also important. Comparing the headline 60% better performance and 30% better efficiency data on the Kirin 970, with GPU Turbo, to the Kirin 960, without GPU Turbo, almost a year after the launch of the Kirin 970 and not declaring this in every presentation is a deliberate attempt at obfuscation. This is borne through Huawei』s own data in the same presentations, showing the Kirin 980 achieving minor performance and efficiency gains when the feature is enabled. The gains are still worth having, but are vastly lower than the numbers Huawei likes to promote every time GPU Turbo is mentioned.

营销新技术很重要,采用隔代对比的方式得出数据是华为官方承认的,然而在任何一次宣传过程中都没有明确说明,显然这是华为公司故意做出的混淆。华为在发布会上表明对于麒麟980而言,Gpu Turbo可以带来微小的性能提升和功耗改进,这些提升是值得肯定的。然而这大大低于华为每次宣传Gpu Turbo是强调的数据。

This, along with the recent discovery of benchmark detection and acceleration to get higher scores, suggests that someone at Huawei is trying to pull the wool over the users』 eyes. It is not a good look, and despite Huawei』s explosive growth, key figures at the company are going to have to look inwards at how they want the company to be perceived on the main stage. The bigger the company is, the more it ends up under the microscope, so maintaining a level of honesty is important, otherwise the trust with the consumer is lost quick and fast. Trying to hide the real world numbers, just to get high on a performance table, just looks bad. It is bad.


The Final Word on GPU Turbo

对于Gpu Turbo的最后总结。

As mentioned several times in the review, now that GPU Turbo has been explained in greater detail, the technology is genuine as far as we can tell, and is likely going to be a catalyst for a new way for vendors to differentiate themselves across the mobile spectrum, as the competition will be looking into similar solutions.

正如第一章的综述提到的,现在我们已经对Gpu Turbo的细节做出了解释,据我们所知这项技术是真实的,并且可以为华为公司在移动终端领域带来竞争上的优势,而竞争对手可能也会采取类似的解决方案。

For everything we just stated about Huawei』s presentations, we hope that the company is giving plenty of kudos and praise to the teams that had the idea, and developed the technology. In an ever competitive landscape where SoC vendors need to differentiate and try to one-up each other, technologies like GPU Turbo are emerging as innovative advantages, improving the overall user experience.

对于华为的发布会来说,我们希望华为公司能给予那些有想法并开发出技术的团队足够的荣誉和鼓励。在日益激烈的竞争环境中,SoC供应商需要打出自己的差异化优势并试图领先一步。像Gpu Turbo这样的技术正在成为华为的优势,从而提高整体用户体验。

Time, hardware, and software permitting, we will be aiming to go and get fully accurate benchmark data with and without GPU Turbo on the Kirin 980 after its launch. Stay tuned.

如果时间/硬体/软体允许,我们会在适用于麒麟980的Gpu Turbo发布之后对比Gpu Turbo开关之后麒麟980,并获取准确的基准测试数据,敬请期待。

Benchmarking and Core Analysis by Andrei Frumusanu


Extra Analysis and Conclusion by Ian Cutress



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