




感谢参与 MIS 事业的所有伙伴们对新公布的营运计划给于高度的支持与肯定,在此 安东尼.陈 也代表 MIS 向所有伙伴们致谢。

全球营运中心总裁 安东尼.陈

Early notice of renewal of rewarding system

After the distribution of bonus globally on 16 April 2015, the awarding system will be renewed in due course. As mentioned in our previous notice, this renewal will convert all scores of VIP members into contribution values, while scores and functions of free members will remain unchanged.

After such upgrading, please be kindly reminded that scores as gained by free members in days to come will not be able to be converted to contribution values nor M-coins when upgrading to VIP accounts. However such scores could still be used for add-value services like lucky-draws, adverts and sponsored gifts redemption.

Likewise with the functions of scores in the past, besides converting contribution values to M-coins, members will also be able to make use of such to redeem special shares or other functions which will be announced later. Once contribution value is converted to M-coin, note that reverse conversion will not be possible.

Besides, for members who are directly recommended by free members, once they are upgraded to VIP members, the bonus points originally awarded to the free member will be converted to Contribution Value automatically. However, please be noted that VIP members and free members will be awarded different contribution values for recommending other members, 150,000 Contribution Values for VIP members, and 75,000 for free members. This implies that the contribution values awarded to VIP members will be twice of free members'. Awarding scheme to be introduced in the future will also be counted based on this ratio.

We would like to express our gratitude for your supports and encouragement. Thank you.

Anthony Chan / President of Global Operating Center
