Part II Vocabulary & Phrase



a pain in the neck (n.)

a difficult or annoying person or situation 討厭的人或事

ex : A : Did tou finish weiting your paper on the American Revolution?

       B : Yes, but it was a pain in the neck.


in vain (adv.)

for all work toward a certain goal to become worthless 徒然;白費力氣

ex : Pete worked in vain to get Alicia to like him.


stand out (v.)

to be easily noticed while among others 突出

ex : There are a lot of smart students in the class, but Karen really stands out the most.

to separate from 站開

ex : Alex stood out from the tour group to get a better look at the museum's painting.


be popular with (adj.)

to be liked by many people 受很多人歡迎

ex : A : Oh, this fish dinner is so delicious!

       B : Thank you. Our baked fish is popular with a lot of our customers.


live up to (v.)

to fulfil or meet the standaeds of 符合(期望或要求)

ex : A : Melody, we are so proud of you getting into that university.

       B : Thanks. I just hope that I can live up to your expectations.


regardless of (adj.)

without considering a certain factor 不管;不顧

ex : Everybody should exercise and eat healthy food, regardless of how old they are.


cannot help but (adv.)

to feel a very strong urge to do something 不禁;不得不

ex : The woman could not help but smile whenever she looked at her baby's picture.


put......together (v.)

to join two or more things 把......連接起來、合在一起

ex : The boy put the pieces of the model plane together.

to create something by putting parts together 組合、拼湊

ex : The couple put all their wedding pictures together to make a photo album

to organize 整理收攏

ex : The student wrote a long paper without putting together a good argument



to wake 起牀

ex : You are going to be late for school if you do not get up soon!

to cause something to rise 使登上、爬上

ex : The mailman got up on top of his car to protect himself from the barking dog.

to rise, usually from a bed or the ground 站立、站起來

ex : The drunken man had better get up off the street before he gets hit by a car.

to build or put something up 建立;搭起

ex : We need to get this“Happy Birthday”sign up before Peter comes home.


show up (v.)

to arrive;to appear 出席、露面

ex : Nobody is sure when the girls will show up.

to become easily seen 顯而易見

ex : Any problems with your health should show up on the test.
