

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.



The Personal Example

“On the one hand, it is true that an employee’s personal life can sometimes affect their professional one, so it might seem acceptable for employers to want to know more about your home circumstances. People who are married with children might need more time off for family commitments. For example, last month I had to take a week off of work too look after my sick son. Also, people might have personal beliefs that run against the ethos of a company.”

没错,题目里面的确是说了让考生根据自己的经验来举例子(include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.)。但这句话的意思是希望考生从自己在生活和社会里观察到的现象而不是你自己的个体经历。请不要再考试作文里提到自己,自己家人之类的作为例子。


For example, I like to exercise in the morning before work = Personal

For example, MANY PEOPLE like to exercise in the morning before work = General


比如,上面给出的这个错误例子段落给了一个非常具体的自己需要请假照顾生病的小孩的例子。如果我们需要把这个例子改写成更有代表性的例子,我们除了要把人称“I” 换成“people” 之外我们还需要把一般过去时(用来写过去具体发生的某件事)改成一般现在时(描述一个客观事实)。

“On the one hand, it is true that an employee’s personal life can sometimes affect their professional one, so it might seem acceptable for employers to want to know more about your home circumstances. People who are married with children might need more time off for family commitments. For example, many parents have to take time off of work too look after their children when they are sick. Also, people might have personal beliefs that run against the ethos of a company.”


The Fake Study Example

“Firstly, there are physiological differences between men and women. Men are stronger which means that they have an advantage when doing jobs which involve intense physical work. For instance, recent research by the University of Cambridge shows that 90% of construction work is done by men.


1. 在学术英语写作中,如果你引用研究报告或者其他人的成果,你是一定要给出详细的信息来源和出处(reference)。这一点非常非常重要,如果你不这样做在大学里你的文章不但会分很低还有可能被认为是抄袭。教即将踏入大学的学生这样写作,等学生进了大学以后如果不能纠正那基本等于学术性自杀。

2. 大部分编造出来的数据其实非常明显是假的,一点说服力也没有。有经验的雅思改卷老师一眼就能看出来,他们只会无视这样的例子认为他们并不relevant.

3. 编造例子来支撑论点很可能导致整段话都毫无逻辑。因为在举例子的时候会有一个问自己“我有看过什么,听过什么,或者经历过什么是可以拿来举例子的呢?”的过程。而在编造数据的时候就没有这个过程,也就是说考生完全没有一个检验自己论点的机会。后果就是很有可能最后的结论也是五花八门奇形怪状。甚至有些老师是这么教学生组成主题段落的:1)给出论点2)编造数据3)指出编造的数据怎么证明论点。可能很多考生认为这是一种简单可行的办法,但这样写出来的主题段基本上都不尽人意,因为很有可能你的论点从一开始就是错的。

其实我们完全没有必要去编造具体的虚假数据,雅思写作中只要TALK IN GENERAL就可以了。所以与其说“recent research by the University of Cambridge”,只要说research甚至说it is well known就好了。同理,没必要说具体的“80%”,用the majority of或者many的表达方式就好了。SIMPLY TALK IN GENERAL!!!我们把之前的例子来改一下:

“First there are physiological differences between men and women. Men are stronger which means that they have an advantage when doing jobs which involve intense physical work. For instance, it is well known that THE MAJORITY of construction work is done by men.”

在很多类似的这种众所周知的事实上完全没必要提到research,如果硬要提也用模糊一点的说法比如: Many studies have shown that more men are employed in the construction industry than women. 但记住,永远不要去编造一个不存在的research学术报告,也不要在例子里面编造具体数据!

The Unconnected Example

“On the other hand, I agree with those who believe that there are many other reasons to master a foreign language. First and foremost, learning a foreign language at school is mandatory in most countries, so its purpose is simply to have a well-rounded education. In fact, there are some who may never do anything more than read literature or watch films in their chosen second-language. Also, research has proven that the progression of degenerative disease like Alzheimer is slower in those who are multilingual as knowing more than one language allows the brain to work more and release hormones that delay the progression of this disease.



“On the other hand, I agree with those who believe that there are many other reasons to master a foreign language. First and foremost, learning a foreign language at school is mandatory in most countries, so its purpose is simply to have a well-rounded education. In fact, there are some who may never do anything more than read literature or watch films in their second-language. Also, research has proven that the progression of degenerative disease like Alzheimer is slower in those who are multilingual as knowing more than one language allows the brain to work more and release hormones that delay the progression of this disease. Therefore, more and more middle-aged people are taking up learning a language to help protect their future mental health.



重点就是从你在平时生活中看到的观察到的事情来挑选事例来支持你的论点。这个例子应该具有普遍性(so not personal)并且直观简单(我们写的是雅思作文不是大学论文)。




such as这个词后面一般接名词。e.g. Many people today eat too much fast food, such as hamburgers and pizza.

such as一般在句子的最后进行补充或者句中,但基本不会作为句子的开头。e.g. Fast food, such as hamburgers and pizza, can have a damaging effect on people’s health.


For example后面一定是接一句完整的话。e.g. Many people today have an unhealthy diet. For example, they eat too much fast food that is high in sodium and saturated fats.

For example基本都是放在句首然后跟逗号(如例句所示)。For instance可作为同义词替换for example.


另一种替换for example的说法。这个表达方式比较适合需要一到两句话来解释的情况下举例。e.g. Take fast food for example. Even eating out only once or twice a week can have a negative impact on your health as most shop-bought food is high in sodium and saturated fat.


这个也是一个很好的预示接下来是例子的表达方式,这个表达方式要求你有一个直观明了的论点来支持。e.g. People often eat unhealthy food without realizing it. A good illustration of this is when people buy yoghurt that are labelled low in fat because they think they are healthy, but in fact they contain high amounts of sugar.


当然不是所有的举例都需要一个像for example这样明显的词来引出。例子一般就是你在现实生活中观察到的事实,所以我们用in fact这样的词也是可以的。e.g. People often eat unhealthy food without realizing it. In fact, many yoghurt are labelled low in fat, but in fact they contain high amounts of sugar.


1. 你不需要每一段都有例子(但整篇文章至少要有一到两个例子)。

2. 不要提到你自己或者你的朋友家人作为例子。

3. 不要自己编造例子和数据来支持你的论点。

4. 不要用例子作为段落结尾 – 明确指出你的例子和你的论点之间的联系。

5. 好的例子来自于你平时在生活与社会中的观察。

6. 举例之前可以用以上提到的词来作为开头引出例子。
