

The days when attracting the ire of the United States was enough to submit a less powerful country into obedience may now be over. In recent years U.S. sanctions and other forms of political or economic penalties — such as reducing or eliminating aid military support trade incentives or investment — for human rights or other transgressions have been backfiring by pushing 「cut off」 countries into establishing closer ties with China to fill the diplomatic vacuum.惹毛美国的小国们不得不隐忍屈服的时代已经结束了。最近几年,美国对人权或其他罪行所进行的制裁和别的政治经济处罚(例如减少或取消军事援助、贸易优惠或投资)已经开始砸自己的脚了,那些「切断联系」的国家转而投向中国的怀抱,以填补外交空缺。The latest example of this may be the Philippines a long-time U.S. political and military partner and former colony.菲律宾或许是个最新的例子,这个美国的政治、军事长期合作伙伴和前殖民地国家。


Sam Gu 5 hours ago

Bremer Bush』s front man created the mess Obama hasn』t helped. Overall it is the result of American』s policy all about selfish short-sight NATIONAL INTERESTS.小布希的总统特使保罗·布雷默造成了现在的混乱,而奥巴马没有做出努力来改变现状。总而言之这都是由于美国自私又短视的对外政策,美国只在乎自己的国家利益。After WWII the world leader US had the good opportunity to lead the world to a peaceful human society but instead it put its own national interests above all invasion after invasion regime change after regime changecontrolling after controlling. Iraq and Iran began to refuse to be puppets; Bin Laden once we called the free fighter (with same terrorist tactics ) turning his back.在二战之后,美国作为这个世界的领导者,有一个绝好的机会能让这个世界走向和平,但是美国却选择将自己国家的利益凌驾于一切。美国不断地侵略别国、引发政变,试图控制其他国家。伊拉克和伊朗拒绝成为美国的傀儡。我们曾经将本拉登称为自由战士(那时他做的事和他被当做恐怖分子的时候没什么区别),后来他也拒绝与美国合作。It seems that many American』s do not realize that they have long ago surpassed the UK and other colonial countries as the most hated country. A mood of resentment toward America and its behaviour around the world has become so commonplace in their countries that it is bound to breed hostility hatred and then renewed physical violence. We call it 「terrorism」 they call it 「retribution」 against America symbol of Western oppression. Remember a human don』t sacrifice themselves for no reason.似乎有很多美国人还没有意识到,美国在很久之前就已经超过英国等老牌殖民国家,变成了最惹人厌的国家。一些国家的人民对美国本身及其在世界范围内的暴行无比怨恨,这滋生了敌意和憎恨,并导致了新的暴力。我们把这种行为称作「恐怖主义」,而他们说这是对以美国为代表的西方世界的压迫的「报应」。记著,人类不会无缘无故牺牲自己的。Turkey and Philippine are leaving: UK France Australia Saudi Jordan are joining AIIB against masters』 will.土耳其和菲律宾就要离开美国的阵营了。英国、法国、澳大利亚、沙特和约旦也都打算违背美国的意愿加入亚投行。

james abg 4 hours agoWelcome to the party Wade Shepard. I can tell you from personal experience advocating that US policy be based upon reality and an analytical look at how folks on the other side are going to make countermoves is lonely work. Universally the Washington elite are infected with groupthink and are stuck in the 1960′s . The unread American public believes everything Washington says and is virtually incapable of research analysis and learning.欢迎你的到来,Wade Shepard。我认为美国的政策基于两方面,一是现实,另一个是反对者会做出怎样的报复行动。就我的经历而言,我从没遇见过和我有同样想法的人。华盛顿的精英们习惯于共同决策,而他们的想法还停留在上世纪60年代。无知的美国大众相信政府所说的一切,他们完全不会去研究、分析和学习。Outerbox Thinker 4 hours agoObumer and his posse got no knowledge of foreign policy. In a short few years they destroy what the forefathers spent decades building the American image on the world stage. Obumer and his posse have certainly pushed the nuclear button 95% closer to doomsday. Mark my word for it.奥波母(注:原文故意拼错了奥巴马的名字)和他的助手们对外交政策一无所知。才不过几年,他们就毁了祖先花费数十年建立起来的美国的对外形象。奥波母和他的助手们无疑将我们向启动核按钮的世界末日推进了95%。我把话撂这了,走著瞧吧。

Mick Morono 4 hours agoWE NEED TO ALL REMEMBER THAT OBAMA IS UNDER KGB ORDERS TO ALIENATE ALL OF AMERICA』S ALLIES AND HE HAS BEEN FOLLOWING PUTIN』S ORDERS TO THE LETTER SINCE COMING TO OFFICE. MAKE NO MISTAKE AMERICA OBAMA IS WORKING FOR THE OTHER TEAM.我们都需要牢记,奥巴马在克格勃的命令下疏远所有美国的盟友,他从上任以来就一直听从普京的命令。别犯错美国人,奥巴马在为其他人工作。Dui Liu 4 hours agoLook at the human right mess here at home the worse racial oppressive country that legalized by constitution. Really a funny joke when trying to lecture other nations on this subject.看看自己家里一团乱的人权,一个宪法把糟糕的种族镇压合法化的国家,还试图在同样的问题上对其他国家说教,真是搞笑。nvtncs 3 hours agoThe US the EU Canada Australia N Zeland are the countries and regions that follow a degree of respect for human rights and human life others are either amoral and immoral. There must be a minimum level of decency towards human life. Money and power are NOT the end all be all in this world. No matter how poor people are life is not cheap.美国,欧盟澳大利亚纽西兰这些国家和地区都在尊重人权和人命方面遵从一个度,而其他国家不是无关道德的就是不道德的。人的性命必须有一个最低水平的体面。金钱和权力并不代表一切,无论人有多穷,人命是珍贵的。

FOX 2 hours agoThe united states failed the Philippines. True the Philippines and USA has a mutual defense treaty but it turns out USA does not have the back of the Philippines. Those Chinese military infrastructures were not built in 1 day. It took the Chinese months and years to build them. The Philippines warned the US about it for far too long but USA did nothing. The Philippines does not need US soldiers to be on the ground to fight the war (if it comes to a shooting war at the high seas). The Philippines also does not need 「FREE」 military aid from USA. What the Philippines is asking is for the USA to allow the Philippines to arm itself. WE WILL PAY every dollar of those military hardware and we will fight our own war. This is one very glaring oversight of the US foreign policy. If they allow the Philippines to break away from the USA it will not be a loss to the Philippines. It will be a loss to the USA because that would mean a total blockade of denial access to the region used for trading. It will also legitimize China + Russia as the new emerging power couple.美国辜负了菲律宾。尽管菲律宾和美国确实签有共同防御协定,但结果是美国并没有为菲律宾撑腰。那些中国岛礁上的军事设施并不是在一夜之间建成的,而是花费了经年累月的时间。长期以来,菲律宾就此事警告美国,而美国却无动于衷。菲律宾并不需要美国大兵到我们的国土上来替我们打仗,因为如果真有热战也只会发生在远海。菲律宾也不需要美国的「免费」军事援助。菲律宾所请求的就是让美国允许菲律宾把自己武装起来。我们会付清用于购买军备的每一分钱,然后我们可以自己应对战争。这是美国外交政策中的一个明显疏忽。如果他们让菲律宾疏离美国的话,那不是菲律宾的损失,而是美国的损失,因为那将意味著美国被完全封锁于这个用于商贸的区域之外而不得介入。这也将坐实了中国和俄罗斯这一对新兴大国的崛起。

fareast X 2 hours agoMorality equals less profit as proven by numerous corporations.Dictatorships holds absolute power as proven by numerous authoritarian nations.The ultimate question is how much humanity are you willing to give up in exchange for both.While China puts power and money above all else and stuck in the past The advanced nations are moving forward in human evultion. However those nations that aren』t fully enlightened will always lag behind and join China.很多公司已证明道德等于利润较少。许多独裁国家已证明独裁统治拥有绝对权力。终极问题是,你愿意放弃多少人性来换取两者。中国把权力和金钱放在一切之上,处于陈腐的旧时代。先进国家正在人类的堕落中前进。 然而,那些不开化的国家总是落后,处于中国模式。ming lee 12 minutes agoAuthor is propagating half truths about democracy. Democracy is overrated drone killing of innocent in the name of killing terrorists who started discriminating against muslim in the middle east in the first place anyways and displacing families and spreading Jihad created the biggest financial crisis in history din debt with 21 Trillion. Better go with theocracy China who does not interfere with other countries』 internal affairs and create problems elsewhere and at Home.作者正在传播关于民主的一半真理。 民主以消灭恐怖主义的名义用无人机在中东歧视穆斯林,屠杀无辜者,针对穆斯林的圣战创造了历史上最大的金融危机债务21万亿。还是与不干涉别国内政,不在其他地方和家里造成问题的民主中国走比较好。

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