

原文:Life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world, at 84. This is good news for its people, but means that an ever-higher share of the population is elderly. Fully 28% of Japanese are older than 65, compared with 15% of Americans and 21% of Germans. More old people, in turn, means higher health-care costs. Last year the government budgeted ¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing, excluding the chargesit levies for the public health-insurance scheme. With public debt at 250% of GDP, and debt service consuming a further 24% of spending, the government is looking desperately for ways to cut costs. It reckons caring for people at home is one of its best options.



第一句:Life expectancy in Japanis the highest in the world, at 84.


1.life expectancy是專有名詞,指預期壽命,平均期望壽命。

經濟學人上在提到發達國家人肥胖與預期壽命的關係時有這麼一句話:The correlation coefficient between obesity and life expectancy in developed countries grew from 0.18 in1990, to 0.28 in 2000 and 0.37 in 2012.發達國家肥胖與預期壽命的相關係數從1990年的0.18增長到2000年的0.28,再到2012年的0.37。

2.the highest in the world:世界最高,也可以說the world』s highest,比如the world』s fifth-tallest skyscraper.世界第五高摩天大樓。

3.達到幾歲,用介詞at。描述價格多少也是用at。at a price of+價格或者be priced at+價格都可以用來表示一個東西售價多少。

4.Life expectancy in Japanis the highest in the world, at 84:關於「預期壽命是多少」有很多表達,所以這句也可以說Life expectancy in Japanstands at 84, the highest in the world。不管哪一種寫法,中間都用逗號隔開,這樣句子結構更清晰。而且加介詞at。

也可以寫為Life expectancy in Japanis 84, the highest in the world.

第二句:This is good news for its people, but means that an ever-higher share of the population is elderly.


1.This is good news for its people,這對其國民來說是個好消息。日本人的預期壽命世界最高,自然意味著長壽,這對日本人來說當然是個好消息。

2.對某人來說是好消息,be good news forsb。反過來,如果是壞消息呢,我們就可以說sth. be bad news for sb。

Sth is good/bad news句型很常見,比如經濟學人裡面提到蘋果手機的時候說bad news for Apple, good news for humanity,蘋果的壞消息,人類的好消息。

3.its people,its指Japan』s。people這個詞指人。

A.它可以表示人民,大眾,與政府相對。政府工作報告中經常會有「一國人民、國民、人民」這樣的概念。注意the不能丟。例如「全國各族人民」,政府報告中寫的是the Chinese people of all ethnic groups;


B.its people也可以表示「一洲人民」。經濟學人有一篇文章說:「非洲人眼中的外國人就是新殖民侵略者,他們認為外國人感興趣的只是非洲大陸的自然資源,而不是非洲人民」。它是這麼寫的:

The stereotype of foreigners in Africa is of neocolonial exploiters, interested only in the continent』s natural resources, not its people.

4.share,表示份額,比例,比重,這是政府工作報告中經常出現的一個詞。比如說這句話,下調城鎮職工基本養老保險單位繳費比例We will lower the share borne by employers for urban workers』basic aged-care insurance。下調比例就用了lower the share這樣的表達。比例,比重我們也可以用proportion來表示。


A. 表示全體人民,人口。常用搭配是have/has a population of+數字;with a population of+數字。

政府工作報告上在表述14億人口時有這麼一句話:近14億人口的發展中大國,實現比較充分就業至關重要。For a big developing country with a population close to 1.4 billion like ours, attaining relatively full employment is critical.

B. 指人口。比如農村貧困人口the rural poor population。城市人口urban populations。這句話an ever-higher share of the population中的population指的是全部人口。

6.the elderly是老年人的意思,senior citizens也是老年人的意思。Elderly就是形容詞,老年人的。

an ever-higher share of the population is elderly這部分如果直譯的話就是佔總人口比重越來越高的是老年人。但是這樣難免頭重腳輕,而且不符合漢語表達習慣。英譯漢時,數字等表態的詞往往放在後面以作強調。所以,翻譯為「老年人在總人口中的比重越來越高」。

第三句:Fully 28% of Japanese are older than 65, compared with 15% of Americans and 21% of Germans.



我們來總結一下國人的複數表達:中國(Chinese-Chinese),日本(Japanese- Japanese),瑞典(Swiss- Swiss)不變;英(Englishman- Englishmen)、法(Frenchman- Frenchmen)變man為men;其餘的在後面加s。注意,德國人German的複數是直接在後面加s。

2.fully在這裡不是完全地,它用在數字前,表示強調數量,意思是「整整,足足」。Fully 28%即足足佔了28%。

經濟學人在講到非洲的福利國家建設時,說到了它的資金來源:Fully 90% of the cost ofTanzania』s programme is funded by donors such as the World Bank and the British and Swedish governments. 世界銀行、英國和瑞典等國政府為坦尚尼亞項目提供的資金足有其總費用的90%之多。

以後我們在表達「足足」這個概念的時候,就要想到它能不能用fully這個詞來表示。比如說,和別人約好幾點見面,結果足足等了別人兩個小時,就可以說I have waited for fully two hours。

3.28% of Japanese:這裡是換了個說法,其實就是28% of Japan』s population。但是這是外刊,在漢譯英報告裡面,還是多用population,而不是直接of Chinese或of Japanese這種。

4.compared with在翻譯時往往簡單處理為「而」就可以了,而不必很啰嗦地翻成「和……相比」。如果前後是重複的內容,我們可以直接使用compared with,而不用寫成句子while...


The internet was still young, too. Less than 1% of Chinese had access to the web back then,compared with some 36% of Americans. As incomes grew and connections proliferated, Mr Ma took full advantage.



第四句:More old people, in turn, means higher health-care costs.


1.這句話我們關鍵要掌握的是「越……,越……」這個結構:more …,means more/-er …。注意More old people是一個整體,所以是means

寫作拓展:這個句型在英語作文比如考研英語作文寫作中可以用到,「畢業人數創新高,就業壓力愈發嚴峻」。我們就可以說:More graduates means fiercer competition in finding a job.

2.health-care,固定表達,指醫療保健。costs,表示「成本」。這個詞在表示「成本」的含義時一般都用複數。但是這裡的health-care costs針對政府而言,就是屬於政府的一部分財政支出。所以譯文把它處理為「醫療保健支出」。

第五句:Last year the government budgeted¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing, excluding the charges it levies for the public health-insurance scheme.


1.句子結構分析:句子主幹是the government budgeted ¥15trnfor health care and nursing;excluding the charges是現在分詞作伴隨狀語;it levies for the public health-insurance scheme是charges的定語從句。

2.budget 美[?b?d??t],作名詞指預算,財政收支狀況。這個詞在政府工作報告中經常能見到。budget也可以作動詞,表示預算是多少的時候是be budgeted at...如The movie is only budgeted at $10 million該電影的預算只有1,000萬美元。

budget 還可以表示預算多少錢給……,搭配介詞for,budget ...for...,比如The company has budgeted $10 million for advertising.公司已經做了1,000萬美元的廣告預算。

錢後面搭配介詞for,這種在外刊裡面很常見,比如100元31篇外刊精讀與翻譯課程(想購買的話看文章開頭二維碼)裡面有這樣一句Since 1990, funding for primary and secondary schools has soared. 自1990年,英國政府對中小學的教育撥款大幅飆升。

所以今天這裡的Last year the government budgeted¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing剛好是這個用法,可以翻譯為政府在醫療保健和護理上的預算達15萬億日元(約合1380億美元,占政府總支出的15%)。


4.the government budgeted ¥15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure)for health care and nursing:括弧里的內容是對¥15trn的補充說明,or也不是「或者」的意思,還是在對前面的¥15trn和$138bn作進一步地說明,只是$138bn是從美元的話是多少來說,而15% of its total expenditure是從總的佔比來說。

表示佔多少比例,直接譯下來就可以了;health care and nursing,固定表達,醫療保健和護理。Expenditure是支出,比如public expenditure就是公共支付。

5.excluding the charges it levies for the public health-insurance scheme:這句話不能直譯,必須意譯。它的字面意思是除了它為公共醫療保險徵收的費用,這樣理解意思上不通,前後不連貫,後面說的預算屬於政府支出,這個公共醫療保險也應當屬於政府支出的部分,它才能用「除了」這個詞。因為徵收保險費就變成收入了。


6.levy,美[?l?vi],表示徵收稅款。經濟學人有一篇文章講到了徵收碳稅:They can levy a tax on eachtonne of CO2 emitted, an approach pioneered by Finland in1990.他們可以對每一噸二氧化碳排放徵稅,這一方法是1990年芬蘭首創。

7.the public health-insurance scheme,理解為公共醫療保險、公共醫療保險體系或公共醫療保險制度都可以。Scheme可以表示計劃,也可以表示制度,今天這句裡面是制度的意思,the public health-insurance scheme指的是公共醫療保險制度。



We will continue the higher education admissions scheme with preferential provisions for students from rural and poor areas.

B. 對承擔重大科技攻關任務的科研人員,採取靈活的薪酬制度和獎勵措施。

For researchers working for major scientific and technological breakthroughs we will adopt flexible remuneration systems and reward schemes.


建立統一的城鄉居民基本養老、醫療保險制度。We have established unified basic pension and health insurance schemes for rural and non-working urban residents.

第六句:With public debt at 250% of GDP, and debt service consuming a further24% of spending, the government is looking desperately for ways to cut costs.


1.句子結構分析:這句話的with結構表示原因,「由於……」,public debt at 250% of GDP和debt service consuming a further 24% of spending並列。因此,這句話的基本結構就是「出於……和……原因,政府正想方設法怎麼做」。



As pension and health-care costs rise, social-security provisions will consume nearly half of Tianjin』s pared-down budget this year. 由於養老和醫療費用的提升,今年經削減後的預算中有近一半要用到社會保障上。


比如說政府工作報告中在提到城鎮新增就業1361萬人時是這麼用的:A further13.61 million new urban jobs were added.


4.is looking desperately forways to do sth,想方設法做某事。desperately表示孤注一擲的,拚命的;極度需要的,渴望的。

5.cut costs,即削減成本。cost這個詞表示成本時,往往用複數形式costs。若表示單獨的花費,常用the cost of的結構,例如「買房子的花費」就是the cost of buying a property。

第七句:It reckons caring for people at home is one of its best options.



A.它可以表示「料想,估計」,sb. reckon that。

經濟學人在描述分析師預計手機銷量下滑時就用到了reckon這個詞:Analysts reckon that the number of smart phones sold in 2018 will be slightly lower than in 2017, the in dustry』s first ever annual decline.分析師預計,2018年智能手機銷量將略低於2017年,這將成為該行業有史以來年度銷量首次下滑。

B.它還可以表示「認為」。比如說在這句話里:The sale has been held up because the price is reckoned to be too high.銷售陷入停滯,因為大家認為價格太高了。

C. 表示「期望」。我們說「有望怎麼怎麼樣」,sth. reckon to do。The merged banks reckon to raise 4 billion dollars of new equity next year.幾家銀行合併後明年有望增發40億美元的新股。

2. care for和care about:

A. care for,照料;喜歡。


Ms Li recalls the traditionalline:「Raise children to care for you when you get old.」 李女士想起中國的那句老話「養兒防老」。

Raise children to care for you when you get old是一句俗語,「養兒防老」。這裡的care for就是照料,照顧的意思。今天這句caring for people at home裡面的care for也是這個用法。

它還可以表示「喜歡」。她不喜歡他,就可以說She does not care for him。

B. care about,在乎,關心。如I dont care about the matter.我對這事毫不介意。

3. one of its best options:最好的選擇之一。option是選擇的意思。

經濟學人有一篇關於線上教育的文章,裡面有這麼一句話:For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.對她和其他許多人來說,學校的線下課程不是一個好選擇。

公眾號高齋外刊雙語精讀之前發過關於這個表達的用法,這裡重複下:an option for:對……來說是一種選擇,not an optionfor就是說「對……來說不現實/不是一個好辦法/不是一個好選擇」。

比如《衛報》曾針對「德班氣候變化峰會」發表過一篇報道,題目是Failure is not an option for global climate change talks,也就是說「失敗對全球氣候變化談判來說不是一個好選擇。」,言外之意就是說只准成功,不許失敗。
