

屆時該網站報名入口也將顯示各地區報名時間。具體費用、時間安排請進入當地考試中心網站查詢。不知道大家都開始複習了嗎?複習得怎麼樣啦?為大家整理了一份翻譯技巧,考CATTI或是翻譯碩士的小夥伴都可以看看!(一) 同義反譯法1. Only three customers remained in the bar.酒吧間只有三個顧客還沒有走。(不譯:"還留著"或"還呆在那裡")2. Ill be here for good this time.這一次我再也不走了。(不譯:"永遠在此呆下去")

3. Please keep the fire burning when Im out.

我不在家的時候,別讓爐子滅了。(不譯:"我外出時,請讓爐子繼續燒著")4. "Wait, he is serious."等等,他不是說著玩兒的。(不譯:"等等,他是認真的。")5. "Now, Clara, be firm with the boy!"聽我說,克拉拉,對這孩子可不能心軟。(不譯:"......對這孩子要堅定")(二) 刪減解釋詞

The traveller in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women.


(三) 短句拆譯

" ...on one sunshiny morning in June , ..."在六月里的一天早上,天氣晴朗......(四) 譯詞推陳出新When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocality, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower.原譯:當他可以大膽行動的時候,他發現自己除了一個情人所具有的那種普通的害怕之外,心裡還充滿懷疑、顧慮和躊躇。改譯:等到他不妨放膽去追求的時候,他卻遲疑不定,顧慮重重。至於一般墮入情網的人那種常有的提心弔膽的心理,那就更是難免的了。(五)解釋性添詞"George, Im ashamed of you! George, I couldnt have believed you would have done it! I always knew you to be a rolling stone that gathered no moss; but I never thought you would have taken away what little moss there was for Bagnet and the children to lie upon," said Mrs. Bagnet.


(六) 詞無定譯It is quite useless to ask whether Vanderbilt was criminally prosecuted or civilly sued by the Government. Not only was he unmolested, but two years later, he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiary heinous conditi.我們根本不必追問政府是否根據刑法或民法對范德比爾特提出起訴。范德比爾特不僅逍遙法外,而且在兩年後又以極其兇狠的手段對政府進行過一次巨大的詐騙。(七) 精鍊譯詞A new dignity crept into his walk.原譯:走路的姿態不知甚麼時候開始給人一種莊重的印象。改譯:走起路來,不覺平添了幾分尊嚴。(八) 刪削"When"字1. When he saw me, he was startled.


(不譯:當他看見我的時候......)2. "When your gals takes on and cry, whats the use of cracking on them over the head, and knocking on them round?""你那些女黑奴哭得那麼傷心,你還拿鞭子沒頭沒腦的抽,把她們打得死去活來,那有什麼用呢?"(不譯:當你那些女黑奴哭得那麼傷心的時候,你還拿鞭子......)(九) 感嘆詞的不同譯法1. "O, dont mother! I should like the flowers; do give them to me; I want them!""Why, Eva, your room is full now.""媽媽,別這樣﹗我喜歡這些花,把花給我吧,我要﹗ ""得了吧,伊娃,你屋裡的花都滿了。"2. "Well, thats odd!" said Marie. "What in the world do you want that for?""喲,真是怪事﹗"瑪利說,"你幹嘛非要這個不可?"(十) 順拆法

His delegation agreed with the Executive Director/ that the fund should continue working/ for a better understanding of the interrelatihip between economic, social and demographic factors.

原譯:他的代表團同意執行主任關於該基金會應繼續為更好地了解經濟、社會和人口的相互關係而努力的意見。改譯:他的代表團同意執行主任的意見,認為該基金會應繼續努力, 以求更好地了解經濟、社會和人口這三方面的相互關係。下面專門談一談散文怎麼翻譯?在應有的翻譯基本功(達意、連貫、銜接等)基礎上,此法可保譯文中規中矩且不乏出彩之處。簡單來說,這種方法可以被稱作「白話過渡與精修」,意思很明白,就是先用大白話把詩話的散文過一遍,然後以達意為主要目的粗粗翻譯一遍,再在原文基礎上進行語言精修。如冰心《笑》中的選段:「雨聲漸漸的住了,窗帘後隱隱地透進清光來。推開窗戶一看,呀!涼雲散了,樹葉上的殘滴,映著月兒,好似螢光千點,閃閃爍爍的動著。——真沒想到苦雨孤燈之後,會有這麼一幅清美的圖畫!」原文極盡詩意,不少人看第一眼就頭大。別著急,我們按步驟慢慢來。1.用白話漢語說一遍別看冰心奶奶寫得好看,其實這段話意思很簡單。我給大家說一遍。


2.把上面這段白話文翻成英語。The rain stopped. There wassome light to come into the room through the curtain. I opened the window andlooked out. Ah, the clouds had disappeared. The raindrops on the leaves, underthe moonlight, glistened like thousands of fireflies. I cannot think I couldsee such a beautiful picture after the miserable rain in a lonely night.到這裡,該有人說了,你這翻得什麼玩意啊,敢拿去考試嗎!別著急,可不要小看這一步,最起碼,它實現了翻譯最基本的功能——達意。很多人在剛剛開始的時候往往忽視這一點,以為拽幾個大詞就是好翻譯,請記住,達意是翻譯的基礎。 3.下面我們來「精修」。在這一布中主要實現的是表情功能,具體來說有兩方面,一是優化語言,二是加強連貫。一句一句來。第一句,「雨聲漸漸的住了」請注意,這裡是「聲」,並不簡單的是雨停了。所以用個擬聲詞即可達到效果。The rain gradually stopped to patter。千萬不要翻成什麼The sound of the rain stopped。要牢記中心意思是雨停了。若果覺得stop沒技術含量可以換成cease。這倆分句我們可以給連起來,把前面半句作伴隨狀語。而後面那句的精華在「透」這個字上,應當找一個傳神的英語動詞,filter濾鏡這個詞剛好能夠傳神。至於「清光」怎麼翻就不用在意啦,老外也不懂,而且 filter這個詞已經能傳遞這個意思啦。因此第一句話完整的就是As the rain gradually ceased topatter, a glimmer of light began to filter into the room through the curtain.

第二句。原文有點長,可按意思拆成兩句。沒啥好說的。很簡單。I opened the window and looked out.

往下。「涼雲」其實就是烏雲的別稱,不翻出來也沒關係。The clouds had disappeared/vanished.(注意時態)。接下來我們在剛才譯文的基礎上稍加修飾即可。The remaining(殘)raindrops on the leaves glistened beautifully(各種讚美的形容詞都可)under the moonlight like thousands (都是虛指,可以換成countless,再文一點可以換成myriads) of fireflies. 這裡靈活一點,就不用非得糾結是螢火蟲還是螢火蟲的光了……最後一句。注意這裡的感嘆語氣。一般來說,像「誰能想到」「哪裡想到」「真沒想到」這種表達,英文里有對應的,叫To think that……這句話可以搞成To think that I could see such a beautiful sight afterthe miserable rain in a lonely night!(孤燈其實就是孤獨的夜晚,直接翻孤燈反而會顯得奇怪。)不想用主動語態,還可以搞成物作主語,更形象一點。To think that there shouldappear before my eyes such a beautiful sight after the miserable rain in alonely night!完整的譯文就是:As the rain gradually ceased topatter, a glimmer of light began to filter into the room through the curtain. Iopened the window and looked out. Ah,the clouds hadvanished and the remaining raindrops on the leaves glistened beautifully underthe moonlight like myriads of fireflies. To think that there should appearbefore my eyes such a beautiful sight after the miserable rain in a lonelynight!至此,大功告成,同時兼備了達意和表情功能。如果碰到很長的段落,就更要注重主體意思的表達以及各句子之間的銜接啦。當然,這只是一種練習方式,還是要平時多看英語進行大量積累,方才能夠在第三步精修時遊刃有餘。此種方法同樣適用於成語和文言文的翻譯,大家不妨試試。

