英文词语: Welcome or Welcomed

Source: Zhihu(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

Question:When do you say 「You』re welcome」 and 「You』re welcomed」.

1. When you do something simple for a stranger such as opening a door for him to pass, and he says 「Thank you!」 the proper response is:

「You』re welcome!」 or the interjection 「Welcome!」

In this case, 「welcome」 is an Adjective which means 「I』m pleased to have done this favor for you」.

2. In my case, I have provided many learning materials to people for free and these materials require a lot of time and efforts to produce.

To show their appreciation in taking them away for free, a few of these people say in Chinese something like 「Thank you for providing me with these materials which require plenty of efforts」, then I think it』s proper to respond with 「You are welcomed」, which implies 「You are welcomed to these materials」.

Of course replying with 「You』re welcome」 is not wrong.Another example is if you have a sleep-over guest in your house, you may say, 「Feel at home, and you』re welcomed to any food in the fridge.」


