

The 1975





You wet my eyes but I don't mind it

你湿了我眼眶 但我并不介意

I tell you lies but it's only sometimes

我是撒了些谎 但也就偶尔而已

You pick a fight and I'll define it

你想找顿架吵 让我一次说清

I swear that I, I swear that I-

我发誓我呀,我对天发誓 -



I only called her one time, maybe it was two times

我只打给她一次 也许可能是两次吧

Don't think it was three times, can't be more than four times

别以为会有三次 更不可能超过四次

Think we need to rewind, you text that boy sometimes

先让我们回想看看 你也跟那男的聊了几次

Must be more than three times


Didn't mean to two-time ya, two-time ya

真的没有想要踏你两条船 踏你两条船啊



She said that I, I should have liked it

她对我说 我应该要表示喜欢

I told her "I only use it sometimes"


Except when I, I need reminding

除非是在我  在我需要提醒的时候

I'm petrified, I'm petrified




But I only called her one time


Maybe it was two times?


Don't think it was three times


Didn't mean to two-time ya, two-time ya

真的没想过要踏你两条船呀 你两条船呀



You wet my eyes (You wet my eyes)


But I don't mind it (But I don't mind it)


I tell you lies (I tell you lies) but it's only sometimes


You pick a fight and I'll define it

你想挑起战火 那我就一次说清

I swear that I, I swear that I

我发誓我呀 我对天发誓 -



I only called her one time, maybe it was two times

我只打给她一次 也许可能是两次吧

Don't think it was three times, can't be more than four times

别以为会有三次 更不可能超过四次

Think we need to rewind, you text that boy sometimes

觉得我们需要翻盘 你也跟那男的聊了几次

Must be more than three times


Didn't mean to two-time ya, two-time ya

真的没有想要踏你两条船 踏你两条船啊



(One time ya, one time ya, one time ya

一次呀你 一次呀你 一次呀你

Two time ya, one, I only called her one time)

两次呀你 一次 我只打给她一次

Ooh, two-time ya, two-time ya

噢 两条船呀 踏你两条船

(Oh one, one time, oh, two time, three time ya

噢一次呀一次  噢 两次 三次呀你

One, one time, two time, three time ya)

一次呀一次  两次 三次呀你



I only called her one time, maybe it was two times

我只打给她一次 也许可能是两次吧

Don't think it was three times, can't be more than four times

别以为会有三次 更不可能超过四次

Think we need to rewind, you text that boy sometimes

觉得我们需要翻盘 你也跟那男的聊了几次

Must be more than three times


Didn't mean to two-time ya, two-time ya

真的没有想要踏你两条船 踏你两条船啊



(One time, oh, one time, three time, four time

一次呀 噢 一次呀 三次呀 四次呀

Three time, four time, two time, three time)

三次呀 四次呀 两次还 三次呀

You're textin', oh, yeah

你在打字啊  对啊

(One time, oh, one time, three time, four time

一次呀 噢 一次呀 三次呀 四次呀

Three time, four time, two time, three time)

三次呀 四次呀 两次还 三次呀







  从像是 MCR 主唱造型一头红发地登场,旋风般冲集人心的破音吉他 "Give Yourself A Try" 大胆取样、致敬 The 1975 主唱 Matty 最爱的音乐人 Joy Division;到赤裸与前卫地、用明亮音效道社会哲学的 "Love It If We Made It";然后,是这第三首释出的新歌,直接以俏皮无压之姿态掀起我的期待,我相信这张专辑必要成为 2018 年度大作之一(我心目中XD),无论是思想上还是音乐上。


  专辑 "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships" (对于网路关系的一则试问) 预计将在十月登场;在 Beats 1 Radio 中和 Zane Lowe 的对谈中,Matty 说道这是一张 “having a lot of the ethos” 有许多价值观/信仰的专辑;说随著成长,他们写的歌会比上张专辑更真实、立场更明确。





……歌名好长,要打三次 "TOOTIME" 不空格,以下省著打一次就好。


  说实话,我还没有完完全全地搞懂这歌名到底要干嘛,但有人说在这特别的歌名里看到了 #MeToo 运动,也有人说看到了 “toot” 毒品代名词。(Matty 才在大聊自己戒完毒的事情,说他不想因为毒品做一张烂专辑所以跑去戒毒了 "I was just chemically dependent on a substance and I didn’t wanna make a record as a fucking junkie." )

  不管是 #MeToo 还是毒品,这首歌和专辑主题的关系是很明确的;"TOOTIME" 是 Matty 为爱情忠诚与否、和网路的关系下的一首注解,也不难从歌词里发现他所讽刺的事情:现代社会按不按赞还比身旁的人爱不爱你还重要了,没有帮你 like 或是 text somebody 又要吵架了,到底是何苦呢。


  欸,你是不是跟我一样好奇 Matty 是不是被女友气到不行才写这出这首可爱的歌呢?……对此他表示:

"It’s not necessarily all autobiographical because I’m not a naughty boy like that. I’ve not actually been like that… I’m a monogamous dude… like massively."(这不是全都一定是关于我的事情因为我不是那种坏坏男孩,我也其实没那样过,我就是一夫一妻主义者…彻头彻尾的。)




这位是和 Matty 目前(应该还)住在一起的室友,No Rome。


  Matty 在和 No Rome 一起制作这首 "Narcissist" 的时候一个阴错阳差(貌似是按到两倍速啥的),就让这首 TOOTIME 里有点雷鬼儿味的 clap sound 诞生了;可以把音乐拉到 0:28 听就知道那个 clap sound 了。不过一开始听,最让我眼睛一亮的仍是类似笛声的合成音效,那一段不时很俏皮地出现,为充满节奏和顿点的编曲中添了柔滑流畅的感觉 (可听 0:28 clap sound 出现的前一秒)。


  曲子从闷哼一转破音开场,然后跳出敲击声和特殊处理过的人声吧我想。接著,一个意想不到突如其来的空拍!是低音如鼓、和高音如铜管乐器的登场:节拍一正一反,填满所有无聊的空间,令人想要舞动的元素马上出现;再配上 one time two time 好记又好比的歌词,现场演出一定气氛超热烈。





The 1975





You wet my eyes but I don't mind it

你湿了我眼眶 但我并不介意

I tell you lies but it's only sometimes

我是撒了些谎 但也就偶尔而已

﹥可能是善意的谎言 (?

You pick a fight and I'll define it

你想找顿架吵 让我一次说清

define 定义、解释、说明;名词是 definition

I swear that I, I swear that I-

我发誓我呀,我对天发誓 -



I only called her one time, maybe it was two times

我只打给她一次 也许可能是两次吧

Don't think it was three times, can't be more than four times

别以为会有三次 更不可能超过四次

Think we need to rewind, you text that boy sometimes

先让我们回想看看 你也跟那男的聊了几次

rewind 倒转、倒带;wind 除了名词当风,当动词念 /waɪnd/ 时有缠绕的意思,所以 rewind 字面上就是重新去转、去缠绕,看 MV 里 Matty 的小手势就懂这个字啰 XD。在这句歌词里 rewind 应该是指倒带回去想一想,你也偶尔会跟那个男生打字聊天嘛,但直接往这句话的目的前进,要让目标从「我」变成「你」、让我们讨论(或吵架)的风向改一下,所以第二次出现时用翻盘来描述。


Must be more than three times


Didn't mean to two-time ya, two-time ya

真的没有想要踏你两条船 踏你两条船啊

﹥没错,two-time 就是一次两个、就是劈腿,可以说 "he was two-timing me" 表达他劈我腿,也可以说劈腿的人是 two-timer。



She said that I, I should have liked it

她对我说 我应该要表示喜欢

﹥按下社群软体上的 "Like"!

I told her "I only use it sometimes"


﹥use it 指的应该不意外就是使用社群软体。但如果用不同角度看以上这两句歌词,好像也会有不同的解释……?毕竟都用 it 这种模糊的代名词,想像空间很大。


Except when I, I need reminding

除非是在我  在我需要提醒的时候

except 除…之外

remind 就是提醒,可能是某些比较重要的事情才需要看看手机、打开社群软体,也或者是生日的通知之类的

I'm petrified, I'm petrified


﹥petrify 是让人吓呆、惊恐、变成石头的样子;故意翻傻眼,是为了迎合 Matty 在这首歌里注入的讽刺感,我想或许是对「以有没有按赞来衡量伴侣忠诚与否」这件事很傻眼吧。




★ 每月更新当月歌单。若喜欢我的翻译、推荐音乐,欢迎加入书签追踪,感谢你的点阅!

★ 资讯庞杂,如文章或任何地方有所错误或需更正部分欢迎不吝指出!
★ 倘若喜欢我的文章也可以点一下旁边的广告 ♥
★ 创立了粉丝团!如果希望追踪我的翻译跟新歌推荐欢欢欢迎按个赞 :D




My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You 歌词翻译介绍(含注解):我的另类罗曼史 - 我不爱你
The 1975 〈Give Yourself A Try〉:对挚爱乐团的致敬&中文歌词翻译
The 1975 - Somebody Else 中英歌词翻译对照/MV分析/Cover版本推荐
