抚养教育孩子绝非易事,管教方式的优劣和取舍更是众多父母都关心的问题,不论一般或皇室家庭都一样,英国王室 凯特王妃就曾在慈善活动上说 「带小孩真的好累!」,指出即使是有许多支援,仍无法真正准备好成为一个妈妈,更何况是许多无后援的母亲。皇宫贵族的生活并非只有玩乐、永远不用为生活而烦恼!王室贵族除了严格自律外,对培养下一代的教养亦非常讲究严谨,管教也很多时会亲力亲为,以下和大家分享 12 个英国王室的教育方法,供一众父母可以参考仿效一下。

撰文:JK|资料及图片来源:kensingtonroyal@IG、TheRoyalFamily@FB 、Twitter@KensingtonRoyal|编辑:Chloe


美国湿疹协会认可 15款婴儿湿疹安全洗护用品

四度怀孕 曾经早产、曾经流产 过来人Carrie : 生命得来不易

12条英国王室育儿法 代代相传

过去英国王室 养育子女方面很少「亲自动手」,因传统上英国贵族子女多是由保姆和家庭教师养育成人,但自从30年前已故戴安娜王妃有了威廉王子和哈里王子两个孩子后,她和查尔斯王子决定摒弃传统,肩负起教养两位儿子的责任。如今,威廉王子长大成人并已为人父,他和凯特王妃自然成为大众焦点,大家更关注英国王室能否将戴妃提倡的育儿法延续下去,他们亦成为不少家长争相仿效的对象!


王室生活并不悠闲,威廉王子(Prince William)自幼生活虽然尊贵,但不富贵。即使长大成人,他与妻子剑桥公爵夫人凯特(Kate Middleton)生活与平凡父母无异,家中只有一个保姆协助,两夫妇亲力亲为照料幼子路易小王子(Prince Louis)、女儿夏洛特(Princess Charlotte)和大仔乔治(Prince George)三个孩子吃饭、洗澡、上床睡觉,虽然平日生活忙碌,但育儿的责任绝因为身分显赫而假手于人。


2. 待人尊重


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🏆⛵️ Thank you to everyone at the Cutty Sark who came out to greet The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they launched The King's Cup, which will raise awareness and funds for eight of The Duke and Duchess's Patronages! Visit the link in our bio or our IGTV channel to find out more.

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 7, 2019 at 10:07am PDT

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At the @NationalTheatre The Duchess of Sussex meets Blessing, aged 13, who performed in the NT’s first Public Arts production of Pericles in 2018. Blessing is passionate about inspiring others through storytelling — her first NT Public Acts experience allowed her to ‘discover more about what she could do and gain more confidence’. The National Theatre’s Public Arts initiative sees them work with arts and community organisations across the UK to create ambitious new works of participatory theatre. At the NT The Duchess also met current and former apprentices from its apprenticeship and trainee programme, and saw a fantastic performance inspired by War Horse by schoolchildren from Edith Neville Primary School in Camden, which was created to mark the centenary of Armistice Day. As part of their work with Primary Schools, the @NationalTheatre invited primary schools to see their productions of War Horse, and in partnership with @imperialwarmuseums take part in a creative programme to enrich children’s understanding of the First World War.

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Jan 30, 2019 at 7:49am PST

3. 以家庭为重


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🎂 Wishing a very Happy 70th Birthday to The Prince of Wales! #HappyBirthdayHRH Two new photographs of The Prince of Wales and his family, taken by @ChrisJacksonGetty in the garden of Clarence House, have been released to celebrate HRH’s 70th birthday — visit @ClarenceHouse for more 📷

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Nov 13, 2018 at 2:13pm PST

4. 鼓励孩子勇于表达


5. 以学习为先

受到父母影响,「将教育摆在第一位」的概念传承到下一代,小王子小公主都非常喜爱阅读,而他们一家亦经常到博物馆参观,首选是伦敦的Museum of Natural History,威廉王子亦指两位小孩子都钟爱那里,喜爱的原因并非「单单为了看恐龙」!可见两位小孩子自小已培养了好学的习惯。

6. 培养运动兴趣


7. 谨言慎行


Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞
Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞

8. 尽情玩乐



9. 拒绝体罚



10. 拒玩智能或电子产品


路易小王子正面照温馨曝光 夏洛特穿哥哥旧衣 皇室穿衣作风超亲民
路易小王子正面照温馨曝光 夏洛特穿哥哥旧衣 皇室穿衣作风超亲民

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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share some new photographs of their family as they visited the RHS Back to Nature Garden at the #ChelseaFlowerShow on Sunday afternoon. The photographs were taken by @mattporteous. The #RHSChelsea Back to Nature Garden, designed by The Duchess and award-winning landscape architects Andrée Davies and Adam White of Davies White Landscape Architects, is a woodland setting for families and communities to come together and connect with nature. Her Royal Highness is a strong advocate for the proven benefits the outdoors has on physical and mental health, and the positive impact that nature and the environment can have on childhood development in particular. Over the past months, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have helped The Duchess gather moss, leaves and twigs to help decorate @The_RHS Back to Nature Garden. Hazel sticks collected by the family were also used to make the garden’s den. The Duchess told Monty Don in an interview for the BBC: “I really feel that nature and being interactive outdoors has huge benefits on our physical and mental wellbeing, particularly for young children. I really hope that this woodland that we have created really inspires families, kids and communities to get outside, enjoy nature and the outdoors, and spend quality time together.”

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2019 at 2:31pm PDT

11. 现时看电视动画

虽说威廉王子夫妇二人禁止孩子接触智能产品,但是仍准许他们定时收看心爱的电视剧集,小公主最爱的是Peppa Pig, 小王子爱的是Fireman Sam。适当让孩子看一些适合的动画片,透过动画片中的内容,家长可以适时的教导孩子正确的道理。

12. 不容随意挥霍


Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞
Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞
Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞
Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞


1. 经常拥抱

戴安娜姨妈Mary Roche透露,戴安娜热情的性格,可见于她常常拥抱其他人,特别是小孩子,而戴安娜也曾说:「拥抱可以带来很多正面力量,尤其是对儿童。」拥抱在传达人类情绪时有莫大效用,而凯特亦经常在公开场合拥抱孩子们,对年小的孩子来说,肢体接触比语言的影响更有力量,尤其是拥抱,多抱抱孩子、亲亲孩子,给予他们安全感,让他们感受到爸爸妈妈的爱。

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The Duke of Cambridge has today become Patron of homeless charity The Passage – here His Royal Highness is pictured with The Duke of Sussex and their mother Diana, Princess of Wales, in an early visit to @passagecharity. Swipe 👉 to see a visitor’s book entry made by The Duke of Cambridge and Diana, Princess of Wales in 1993. The Duke has made additional visits to the charity at various points over the last 25 years.

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Feb 13, 2019 at 6:27am PST

2. 「我们都会犯错」的肯认错心态


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Wishing all our followers a very Happy Father’s Day! Both of these images were taken at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. The first one features The Duke with his eldest children, The Prince of Wales and The Princess Royal, and was taken in 1952. The second image was taken in 1972 and features The Duke of York and The Earl of Wessex. 📷PA

A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on Jun 16, 2019 at 2:00am PDT


3. 了解何谓「金钱」


4. 回馈社会


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The Duchess of Sussex visited the Hubb Community Kitchen to join the preparations as the women cooked 300 meals for the local community, and heard about some of the new outreach projects at the kitchen started by the women. These include a scheme to deliver nutritious meals for women on maternity wards, and a group offering a safe space for women affected by domestic violence. The women also talked to The Duchess and @chefclaresmyth about their long-term vision for the Kitchen, and how they hope to use further proceeds from Together to reach even more people in their community. #CookTogether

A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Nov 21, 2018 at 7:35am PST

5. 分享感受


Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞
Louis小王子正面照曝光 夏洛特小公主穿乔治王子旧衣被赞


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