


To get up late then have a nice brunch is always the best thing to do on weekends!!

I’d like to introduce an American restaurant which provides brunch all day long. 

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1Bite2Go其实是国宾大饭店旗下的餐饮品牌,创立于2012年8月。餐厅内使用的面包都是来自于国宾大饭店蛋糕外卖店le bouquet


1Bite2Go- it is in fact a result of Ambassador Hotels’ passion to bring the same authentic deli tastes and true American

diner experience to Taiwan. The bread they use here is from “le bouquet”- another bakery under Ambassador Hotel,

hence the quality is assured. 

目前有两家分店- 信义店与林士店

There are two branches by far: Xinyi & Shilin

                       信义  11      

交通方式: 搭乘捷运信义线至捷运台北101/世贸站,二号或三号出口出站后即可看到信义 1Bite2Go

Transportation:Take Taipei Metro MRT Xinyi Line to Taipei 101/World Trade Center Station

    Take exit 2 or 3 and you will see 1Bite2Go Xinyi in between

12  shilin  

交通方式: 搭乘捷运淡水线或北投线至捷运士林站,一号出口出站后延中正路往阳明山方向步行约5分钟,

              过中山北路口即可看到士林 1Bite2Go

Transportation: Take the MRT Danshui Line or Beitou Line to Shilin Station

         Take exit 1 and walk along Zhongzhen Road for approximately five

         minutes toward Yangmingshan

         When you reach the intersection of Zhongshan North Road, you will see

         1Bite2Go ShilinIMG_0825    

基尼这次与姐妹们相约于信义店~ 湛蓝的天空与台北101相映好不迷人!~

We spent time at Xinyi branch this time. The blue sky makes Taipei 101 even more attractive~

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打开门的那一刹那最先吸引目光的莫过于挑高的空间及大片的落地窗,撒进来的阳光让人好放松~ 而墙面则以街头单车及纽约下城市集主题


Step into the diner and feel immediately the vibe of The Big Apple: fun, outgoing staff, colorful fixed-gear bikes hanging

high above in the center, and a large collection of photos depicting the city’s street scenes. I couldn’t help imagine that

I was in New York!



The wooden counter and the colorful tiles is also one of my favorite areas.



释放在口中~非常好吃!而且一点也不油腻!放在可爱的le creuset铸鐡锅上面更是加了不少分!

“Skillet Breakfast”- corned beef hash over country potatoes, chopped onions and bell peppers, topped with two

sunny-side-up eggs served in a cast iron skillet. The sweetness of the vegetables pops out when you chew the

minced beef, it is really yummy and not greasy! Of course, Le creuset iron cast skillet gain more points for this dish.



整道菜的成败就在于荷兰酱~ 这酱调的刚刚好!不会腻口哦~ 另外,让基尼和姐妹们惊艳的就是马铃薯块!除了带皮这点大加分以外,咬下去


“Eggs benedict” is one of my top choices brunch. Ham (or salmon) on English muffin, two poached eggs, top with

sauce hollandaise, served with country potatoes. The sauce hollandaise is absolutely the highlight of this dish- perfect!

The smooth texture of the country potatoes really surprised us, the spice on them elevate the taste, really!  





“Strawberry Banana French Toast”- Fresh banana slices, home-made strawberry sauce served with whipped cream.

This dish was expected tend to be sweeter, however, it perfectly meets my appetite. The moderate sweetness of the

dish plus the fermented strawberries really impressed me. The red fruit is a bit sour – in a good way.

The whipped cream is not heavy at all, even those girls who are on a diet can have it. This is a highly recommended dish!




We are not satisfied by ordering merely 3 dishes, we decided to order “Turkey Hot Pie”. Turkey, vegetables and potatoes

in chicken cream gravy, with a golden pastry crust. Look at the stuff- so indulgent!!


姐妹们不约而同的点了同一种饮料,” 鲜榨柠檬冰红茶”,向来不爱喝饮料的基尼都很能接受哦!!

For the drink, three of us ordered the same one- House Brewed Lemon Ice Tea. Taste really good~ I love it!!


好饱好满足哦!!!另外值得一提的是,好心情早午餐包含了面包四选一: 法式白土司、布里欧、肉桂卷、全麦吐司,姐妹们都点了布里欧-


We are all satisfied ~!!!!

All day Brunch includes homemade bread, fresh baked daily:

French white toast, brioche, cinnamon roll, or whole wheat toast of your choice.

We ordered brioche- it goes really well with the yolk~~~!





Even the price is not as friendly, considering the quality of the ingredient and the food on top of the nice environment,

I would say 1Bite2Go is definitely a restaurant worthy to try. There are more choices other than brunch.

Booking previously is strongly suggested and if possible, make your choice before stepping in!! There are just too many

tempting dishes, trust me on this!


1Bite2Go  ->(官网请按左方图片)


吃饱喝足以后,当然要走走消化一下! 三姐妹一同来到了附近人气景点-四四南村,真是个拍照的圣地,怎么拍都好好看哦!!

After the meal, some walk is a must! The nearest spot - simple market~ It is a good place for taking pictures, isn't it!  IMG_0931IMG_0966


后记: 真的好爱这手环!!连男生朋友都询问是否有出男生款呢!! 有兴趣的朋友可以参考基尼的分享文哦! (点我延伸阅读)


▍基尼爱胡闹 since 2015   ★按图片直达粉丝团★


 My facebook page Since 2015       click the picture












