羅胖在第一季 中國為什麼有前途 中提過一個觀點:從地理大發現以來的500多年中,中央國家的變化情況是從人口數為百萬級的西班牙葡萄牙轉為千萬級的英國再轉為人口數為億級的美國和蘇聯,並由此推論下一個中央國家將會是中國。羅胖的理由是:當一個中央國家的創新被其他的國家學會時那麼技術競爭將會變成規模性競爭,誰人多,誰勝利。再說說我的觀點:可是別忘了21世紀出現的一系列機器人產品。下一次的規模性競爭會不會將機器人也納入其中?

Sorry, I dont have Chinese input on this computer.I think the possibility is low, below are reasons

1. Health deterioration: our health (including mental health and physical health) deteriorates due to pollution of food, water, air, and other essential aspects of our survival. The most vulnerable population to pollution is the new generation. Mental health is a hugely underestimated problem from which many Chinese people are suffering. The trend of alienation and breakdown of family (e.g., high divorce rate) due to increasing meritocratic, linear, and mechanic societal values will severely undermine the mental health of younger generation.

2. Economic downturn in inequality: Chinese economy is not as healthy as thought by us. The official Gini index is climbing to reach .50; the unofficial Gini is climbing to .70. No matter how powerful China may look like, its astounding inequality is increasingly depriving ordinary people of hope and motivation to make the country better. In addition, Chinese economy focuses too much on resource-dense industries, which may not be changed quickly due to lack of real marketization (and real creativity and innovation enabled by real marketization).3. The lack of core values of our society: A society is built not only upon ethnic ties but also on general value orientations that help create consensus on the people within. Chinese society is deprived of core value due to superficial westernization, degradation of traditional Chinese cultural values, and materialism. Traditional Chinese culture values sustainability, family-orientedness, diligence, and morality. Such values have been downgraded during cultural revolution. After marketization, materialism has risen quickly to displace our traditional values, creating moral decay and alienation between people.4. The world itself is going downward.


是的 只需要一個改變



