


划时代的两个代表人物/乐队也是在这个时期走入迷幻摇滚的世界的——The Beatles和Bob Dylan。

The Beatles在1965年出的《Rubber Soul》被称为「大麻专辑」其中那首《Norwegian Wood》和后来的单曲《Day Tripper》都是值得研究的迷幻摇滚作品。此后,大量迷幻摇滚乐队出现,The Grateful Dead,Jefferson Airplane,Country Joe and the Fish等等,迷幻风开始大行其道。


1966年,The Yardbirds发行了《Shapes of Things》,The Byrds发行了《Eight Miles High》,被认为是英美两地「迷幻摇滚」正式拉开序幕,这两张专辑都可以好好听一听。

同年,The Mothers of Invention(Frank Zappa)发行专辑《Freak Out!》;Jimi Hendrix和他的伴侣Kathy Etchingham凭借《Hey Joe》声名鹊起;The 13th Floor Elevators发行专辑《The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators》。

1967年,大门乐队发表了他们最经典的同名专辑《The Doors》,并在未来数年中成长为美国最流行的迷幻摇滚乐队;披头士发行单曲《Strawberry Fields Forever》和《Penny Lane》; The Jefferson Airplane发行专辑《Surrealistic Pillow》,迷幻摇滚由此进入全盛时期,The Grateful Dead、The Jimi Hendrix Experience、Scott McKenzie、The Doors、The Jefferson Airplane、The 13th Floor Elevators都是这一时期的主力,出过很多优秀作品,可以一一找来听听。

The Doors

再后来就是大神 Pink Floyd的横空出世了,1967年他们发行了那张著名的专辑《The Piper at the Gates of Dawn》,迷幻摇滚爱好者不得不听的一张专辑。后来Pink Floyd还出过多张专辑,但个人认为都没有这一张更牛了。

1968年,The Beatles发行了著名的白色专辑,同年发行了著名的歌曲《Hey Jude》。这一年也是佳作频出的一年,Small Faces发行《Ogdens Nut Gone Flake》;The Jimi Hendrix Experience发行《Electric Ladyland》;The Doors发行《Waiting for the Sun》;The Mothers of Invention(Frank Zappa)发行《Were Only in It for the Money》;The Grateful Dead发行《Anthem of the Sun》;Blue Cheer发行专辑《Vincebus Eruptum》,包含著名歌曲《Summertime Blues》等等。


1969年,披头士录制专辑《Let it Be》,随后发行《Abbey Road》,这是The Beatles的最后一张专辑,4个人从此分道扬镳。同年The Grateful Dead发行著名专辑《Live/Dead》,Jefferson Airplane发行专辑《Volunteers》,「迷幻摇滚」在这一年开始走向衰落。

1970-1971是「迷幻摇滚」史上令人痛心疾首的一年,Jimi Hendrix 因过量饮酒和药物滥用毙命于女友家中;Janis Joplin死于过量吸食海洛因;大门乐队主唱Jim Morrison死于心脏病突发,The Doors自此一蹶不振;披头士也是在这一年正式解散的。

Jim Morrison




No musician in this world love to be classified into a music genre just like a book being placed into a section of bookshelf. Anyway, Psychedelic is a very interesting, crazy and influential category of music. I gonna keep updating this list. Never say you fully understand what is psychedelic music. No one can. Psychedelic can become progressive. Hard blues from UK and States has psychedelic elements. You can make soul and funk psychedelic. Pink Floyd is great. But there are more bands remain unknown to music lovers born after the golden era of Rock N Roll.

Andromeda ?– Andromeda (1969, UK). This self-titled album is pretty cool.

Bent Wind ?– Sussex (1969, Canada)

Clark-Hutchinson ?– A=MH2 (1969, UK). Pretty cool album and including elements like psychedelic, progressive, jazz and jam.

Frijid Pink ?– Frijid Pink (1970, US). Very cool Acid album. Fuzz guitar and good arrangment.

Elias Hulk ?– Unchained (1970, UK) Prog and Psych. Very cool

Granicus ?– Granicus (1973, U.S.) Hard rock containg Psych

Morly Grey ?– The Only Truth (1972, U.S.) - Hard, Acid and Psych

May Blitz - May Blitz (1970, British, Canada)

T2 ?– Itll All Work Out In Boomland (1970, UK). The members of the band has ties with UK psyche act The Please. Very cool HEAVY PSYCHEDELIC.

The Way We Live ?– A Candle For Judith (1971, UK).

Wicked Lady ?– Psychotic Overkill

Wicked Lady ?– The Axeman Cometh

The above two are from archive and I reckon the composition are from late 1968 to 1969.

If you love fuzzy guitar, complex song structure, and endless cool riffs. Try this. Martin Weaver (founding member of this obscure UK band) would join DARK who would later become the most legendary progressive/psych/hard rock band in UK and released the one and only one album "round the edges" in 1972.

Its A Beautiful Day ?– Its A Beautiful Day (1969, U.S.). One of my fave and they are from San Francisco, California. Very solid pschydelic folk rock album. So never judge what contains in a record based on album cover art. Those guy are really versed in multible instruments and know how to give fuzz guitar sound.

Lee Michaels ?– Lee Michaels (1969, US).

Keef Hartley Band ?– Halfbreed (1969, UK). This is their best one. A mixture of blues and psych stuff.

Quicksilver Messenger Service ?– Happy Trails (1969, US). Never heard of them? Try them. It will blow your mind.


  1. 「In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida」 by Iron Butterfly

2. "Electric Music For the Mind and Body" by Country Joe The Fish

3. "Anthem of the Sun" by Grateful Dead

4. "The Soft Machine" by The Soft Machine




如果你对这方面完全是小白,想了解但不知道从何入手的话,我建议你从比较有名也是big name乐队做出的迷幻专辑(或有点迷幻元素) 听起。

我个人是因为听了Pink Floyd早期的几张专辑才开始喜欢迷幻的,那个时候的风格还不是前卫,而是迷幻摇滚与太空摇滚的结合。

《the piper and the gates of down》

《a saucerful of secrets》

简单来说就是Syd Barrett主导时的风格,pink Floyd被我们大范围记住的是后期Waters和Gilmour占主导的前卫风格(也很推荐,不过既然你问的是迷幻就不提了)syd是很有才华的,也是前期的主导人物。


《Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band》




可以去听听感恩而死乐队(Grateful Dead)的歌,他们可以算是迷幻摇滚的鼻祖了。
