经历过小产的 Kary 吴雨霏,去年6月诞下儿 子 Asher,即变成紧张妈妈,迟迟未愿复 工,要亲力亲为照顾金叵罗。日前她与老公洪立熙( Brian)带囝囝闲逛铜锣湾,8个月大的 Asher 终于首曝光,眼大大头仔圆碌碌,尽得父母真传!



回顾67岁洪金宝早期后生相 重量级老戏骨!

回顾林依晨未红前的坎坷经历 乐观态度面对人生!


由Cookies的少女到现在的人母,Kary吴雨霏成熟了不少,产后已8个月长期喂人奶迅速回复纤瘦身段,已习惯全职凑仔的生活,更有意煞停演艺事业,除了演唱会无了期押后、出埠工作亦耍手拧头,实行家庭第一,事业第二 。


据知情者透露:「Kary依家有仔万事足 , 公司同佢倾叫佢开埋之前欠落嘅几场内地巡演,佢话暂时唔开住,因为仲喂紧人奶好困身,唔方便离开个仔咁耐,总之出埠过夜就一定唔接」

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LOVE OF MY LIFE 💘 stop growing so fast you little stinker 😭 #loml #momlife #weekendfun #Gucci #guccirajah

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Nov 11, 2018 at 12:36am PST

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To the mama traveling with kids: Before we had kids, we always say yes to adventures. We used to explore, we had more time to plan, we were spontaneous. Then we became parents, and those adventures seemed a little more daunting. Packing, traveling, planning with children seemed too hard. Then we decided to take a leap and just try it. Our adventure looks a little different now(and definitely a lot more tired). Our itineraries have gotten simpler, our packing has gotten more complicated… but I see the hassles are worth it. I see our kids learning to be resilient and flexible, I see them become braver and bolder. They are reminding us to slow down and be curious. We are breaking the routine to remember what really matters. It’s true- they won’t remember every detail of these early adventures, but that’s not the point, because we don’t just travel to build their memories, we travel to build their hearts. And our hearts, too You’ve got this, mama! #momlife #loml #cathayjetsetters @cathaypacific

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Nov 22, 2018 at 7:10pm PST


减产做全职妈咪的 Kary,一直坚持喂母 乳让 BB健康成长,她曾贴出在候机室喂母乳照片,用行动支持喂母乳!

早前Kary一家三口去澳洲旅行,在当地入住5星级酒店时却发生不快事,令Kary忍不住在社交网发文炮轰,力数酒店多宗罪。Kary 指酒店房间清洁情况差、最错是把囝囝衣服摊在地上非常不衞生,当她要求服务时竟然半 小时才有工作人员前来收拾。



出名脾气好的Kary,产后已变成紧张妈妈,只 要影响到囝囝都会触动她的神经,而在整个旅程中,Kary 贯彻不让囝囝曝光的宗旨,所有抱住Asher 的合照都是大背面与大侧身。

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I can do this everyday U0001f96a #blueskies #nofilter #picnicinthepark

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Dec 23, 2018 at 3:00am PST

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The future is looking bright. We are so looking forward to 2019!!!

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Dec 30, 2018 at 1:12am PST

Kary 对儿子非常保护,在 IG Po 相都会遮遮掩掩,未有让儿子全相曝光。

同 Sammi同为虔诚基督徒,因信 仰成好友,早前 Kary抱埋囝囝同好友饭敍。
不时约 Cookies好姊妹Gathering ,不过放相时,囝囝都系唔见样。



8个月大的Asher,遗传咗妈 咪的大眼睛,加上头仔圆圆皮肤白里透红,超级可爱!

怕囝囝著凉,Kary帮Asher戴上冷帽又著上羽 绒,买完面包临起行前,还紧张摸吓囝仔面颊,绝对系廿四孝好妈咪。



早前Kary 在社交网留言解释为何去边都要带住囝囝:「他提醒我们放慢脚步,我们要打破常规,记住真正重要的事情。我们不仅仅是为了建立他们的记忆,而是为了建立他们的心灵。」完全感受到Kary 对儿子的爱有多深。

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HAPPY ONE MONTH 💙we love you so so much #loml 📸 by @circleoflifebyw

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Jul 18, 2018 at 10:46pm PDT

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This is what we do everyday! Happy 8 months Asher, I’ll do anything just to make you laugh 💋💋💋 #momlife #crazymom #purejoy #loml #babylaughsarethebest

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Feb 18, 2019 at 4:19pm PST

带5个月大囝囝游世界 吴雨霏:麻烦也值得


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To the mama traveling with kids: Before we had kids, we always say yes to adventures. We used to explore, we had more time to plan, we were spontaneous. Then we became parents, and those adventures seemed a little more daunting. Packing, traveling, planning with children seemed too hard. Then we decided to take a leap and just try it. Our adventure looks a little different now(and definitely a lot more tired). Our itineraries have gotten simpler, our packing has gotten more complicated… but I see the hassles are worth it. I see our kids learning to be resilient and flexible, I see them become braver and bolder. They are reminding us to slow down and be curious. We are breaking the routine to remember what really matters. It’s true- they won’t remember every detail of these early adventures, but that’s not the point, because we don’t just travel to build their memories, we travel to build their hearts. And our hearts, too You’ve got this, mama! #momlife #loml #cathayjetsetters @cathaypacific

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Nov 22, 2018 at 7:10pm PST




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there’s no greater joy and honor than being a mother🎈

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Aug 20, 2018 at 11:14pm PDT

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BABYWEARING || Did you know that skin-to-skin contact releases feel-good oxytocin for reduced stress, increased feelings of love, and the desire for connection in you and your baby? It’s the sweetest start to life ❤️👶🏻 I believe in babywearing wholeheartedly. There’s nothing sweeter than endless cuddles with my sweet little dumpling and I’ll cherish all these little moments while he’s still small enough to carry! (And yes that’s a scar on my butt that I don’t plan to photoshop) #nationalbabywearingweek #babywearingmama #motherhood #womensupportwomen #ringsling #closeenoughtokiss 😘

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:46pm PDT



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HAPPY ONE MONTH 💙we love you so so much #loml 📸 by @circleoflifebyw

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Jul 18, 2018 at 10:46pm PDT

不只是为了制造美好回忆 更多的是为了让心灵成长



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迟来的报到,大家好,我叫做Asher! 谢谢大家的祝福!❤️ Asher的意思是快乐和祝福,他就是天父爸爸送给我们最珍贵的礼物。 生命真的很奇妙,从我肚子里养育了9个月,然后搏斗了10几个小时后第一眼看到他, 我知道我们的生命从此就不一样。 很想在这里特别谢谢医生和医院的护士,从生产过程到出院一刻都好好的照顾我和BB 辛苦你们了! Hello my name is Asher ❤️ Asher means happy and blessed. Thank you so much for all the love. He is indeed the greatest blessing from GOD! After nine months of nurturing, growing, and keeping him safe, we thank God for bringing this precious little gift safely into this world! We are starting a brand new journey and our lives are forever changed. Special thanks to my doctor and all the nurses at the hospital for taking good care of me throughout the birth process. We are home! Blessings, Kary & Brian

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Jun 23, 2018 at 10:07pm PDT


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LOVE OF MY LIFE 💘 stop growing so fast you little stinker 😭 #loml #momlife #weekendfun #Gucci #guccirajah

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Nov 11, 2018 at 12:36am PST


编辑:东方新地|原文:SUNDAY KISS|图片:吴雨霏Instagram

吴雨霏珠片裙 华丽转身换尿片




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Before and after 🤷🏻‍♀️ #momlife

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Oct 23, 2018 at 1:35am PDT

人后却是个甚至连裙都未换 就继续「把屎把尿」乐在其中的新手妈妈,画面超有爱。




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After having to leave Asher for work last week, I have a whole new level of respect and appreciation for all the working moms out there. The struggle is real, the balance is hard. To be able to manage career and family (and sleep) is not an easy task. I was away for work for only few hours and I already missed Asher sooooo much… (I know, crazy mom gotta let go😅) Whether you are stay at home mom or working mom, I just want to let you guys know that you are doing a GREAT job! respect!!! ✊🏻 当了妈妈之后,更加明白和体会在职妈妈的心情。要在家庭和事业中取得平衡真的一点都不容易!最难应该是要放下小孩让其他人照顾,又担心又不舍得。 我只是工作几个小时但已经很不舍得,幸好有家人帮手照顾Asher,我才安心。 无论你是全职还是在职妈妈,你们都是好棒好棒的妈妈,大家一起加油! #motherhood #momlife #womensupportwomen

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Oct 24, 2018 at 6:11pm PDT

吴雨霏手抱B仔 首晒著泳衣照


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BABYWEARING || Did you know that skin-to-skin contact releases feel-good oxytocin for reduced stress, increased feelings of love, and the desire for connection in you and your baby? It’s the sweetest start to life ❤️👶🏻 I believe in babywearing wholeheartedly. There’s nothing sweeter than endless cuddles with my sweet little dumpling and I’ll cherish all these little moments while he’s still small enough to carry! (And yes that’s a scar on my butt that I don’t plan to photoshop) #nationalbabywearingweek #babywearingmama #motherhood #womensupportwomen #ringsling #closeenoughtokiss 😘

A post shared by Kary Ng // 吴雨霏 (@ngk) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:46pm PDT


BABYWEARING || Did you know that skin-to-skin contact releases feel-good oxytocin for reduced stress, increased feelings of love, and the desire for connection in you and your baby? It’s the sweetest start to life ❤️👶🏻 I believe in babywearing wholeheartedly. There’s nothing sweeter than endless cuddles with my sweet little dumpling and I’ll cherish all these little moments while he’s still small enough to carry! (And yes that’s a scar on my butt that I don’t plan to photoshop)








吴雨霏 低调百日宴


吴雨霏乐做母乳妈妈 半夜凑B冇觉瞓

升呢做妈妈嘅Kary,不时喺社交网大晒幸福凑B日常。百日宴收到祝福后,Kary更喺IG Story留言感谢大家嘅祝福,更罕有咁亲自介绍一番宝贝仔Asher:





放假撇甩卓悦太子爷男友 JW全黑look约佢去街…
