


財報中國大陸食品醜聞拖累麥當勞第三季獲利下降30% (出自鉅亨網)





1. 這是麥當勞於2014/10/21公布的財報內容截取如下 (詳全文)


Third quarter results included:

  • Global comparable sales decrease of 3.3%, reflecting negative guest traffic in all major segments and the impact of the previously-disclosed supplier issue in certain markets in APMEA


  • Effective tax rate of 44.4%, primarily due to an increase in tax reserves related to certain foreign tax matters


  • A flatter, more nimble organization that ensures key business decisions are made closer to the customer, by people with local market expertise,

  • A revamped marketing approach that links national messaging around our food quality, brand transparency and people initiatives - complemented by local ad campaigns that are responsive to individual market preferences, and

  • A simplified menu that showcases the Company's core products and features locally-relevant menu options - available in new, customizable ways.

    Europe's third quarter comparable sales declined 1.4% and operating income decreased 2% (2% in constant currencies). While consumer confidence and other issues related to the operating environment in Russia and Ukraine and ongoing weakness in Germany negatively impacted the segment's quarterly results, the U.K. delivered positive comparable sales and operating income performance. Looking ahead, McDonald's Europe will work to build guest traffic by pursuing targeted opportunities that leverage everyday value, classic core favorites, blended-ice beverages and key daypart initiatives.

    APMEA's third quarter comparable sales decreased 9.9% and operating income declined 55% (56% in constant currencies) due primarily to the impact of the supplier issue on sales and profitability in China, Japan and certain other markets. APMEA is diligently working to restore consumer trust and confidence in McDonald's brand and strengthen the segment's financial results to continue driving the long-term potential of this segment.


    2. 財報中提及的重要原因

    2.1中國食安問題 (相關報導:麥當勞、肯德基供應商用過期肉類 衛生標準惡劣 出自香港南華早報)



    2.2 日本 (相關報導:東京物語/自主拒買 壓垮日本麥當勞 出自聯合新聞網)



    2.3 俄羅斯 (相關報導:烏克蘭爭議 麥當勞俄門市淪代罪羔羊 出自聯合新聞網)



    3. 麥當勞對於財報之結論截取如下 (詳全文)

    Don Thompson concluded, "We began 2014 mindful of the challenges we faced in driving sales and profitability. The internal factors and external headwinds have proven more formidable than expected and will continue into the fourth quarter, with global comparable sales for October expected to be negative. These significant challenges call for equally significant changes in the way we do business. In the U.S., we are driving decision making from headquarters back into the field, where our restaurants serve the daily needs of our customers in their local communities. In our international markets, we are taking action to restore customer trust and regain business momentum. We understand the depth of the challenges and we are responding with the sense of urgency required to improve our performance."




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