今天,康乃尔访访问了10年前从康乃尔英语毕业的兄弟Ronnie Yang杨铠瑞与Robin Yang 杨铠豪。他们两位跟彩虹时间的主持人Teacher Sandy与Teacher Annie一样都在康乃尔念了9年,从幼稚园小班一直到小学六年级,毕业之后进入台中美国学校就读,高中后顺利前往日本与英国的学校就读。
  Ronnie今年20岁,就读日本第一学府「早稻田大学」,目前正在西班牙的University of Salamanca当一年的交换学生。Robin目前正在英国念Concord College。Ronnie跟Robin还有两个弟弟、一位妹妹(是三胞胎喔!)也是康乃尔的毕业生,目前三位都就读台中美国学校。一家五个孩子都是康乃尔杰出的年轻校友。

Ronnie Yang 杨铠瑞

Cornel has helped me exceed in several areas. The intense grammar classes had provided me with an advantage when I took the placement test in American School of Taichung. Classes in Cornel are really fun because the teachers would include games and songs in order to let us learn at a faster pace. With Cornel’s firm foundation, it gave me the ability to blend in with native speakers without hesitation. Thanks to Princial Chen’s constant encouragement, Teacher Jilda and Teacher Mike’s patience and love and Gu Ma Ma’s excellent Taiwanese cuisine. I am a better man today. Thank you Cornel!


Robin Yang 杨铠豪
现正就读英国Concord College

The common phrase “One needs to learn how to walk before they learn how to run" correlates to Cornel. Cornel was the foundation that taught me the basic structure of English speaking. This allowed me to interact and communicate fluently abroad. Cornel has been a childhood memory I will never shake off. The excitement of playing on the playground or story-telling time always kept me wanting for more. Cornel gave me the necessary confidence to speak English and certainly got me interested in being a well-rounded English speaker. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, CORNEL!


  今天,康乃尔访问了10年前从康乃尔英语毕业的Kristina Wang王维君和Sharon Wang王硕君。两姐妹国中就全家移民往加拿大。
  康乃尔的英语教育让姐妹俩在衔接加拿大的学校时,不只语言上与当地加拿大学生没有落差,连文化上都可以很快适应。许多从其他国家移民前往加拿大的亚洲学生都必须先念语言学校、接受 ESL的英文衔接课程,但是Kristina和Sharon可以直接进入正式学校与加拿大当地的学生一起读书。
  如今,Kristina已经大学四年级,Sharon是大学二年级,两位都就读美国宾州相当著名、排名前茅的University of Pennsylvania(美国宾州州立大学),在学业上都有杰出的表现。

Kristina Wang 王维君
University of Pensilvania 美国宾州州立大学

Cornel was an amazing experience. I would like to express many thanks to my teachers who helped me establish a solid foundation in English at a young age. I was very fortunate that I didn’t have much difficulties transitioning to classes in Canada. When I come back to Taiwan over breaks, it’s always nice to catch up with Cornel friends. I will certainly cherish my childhood memories at Cornel – from the baby cards to the delicious lunches and dessert!


Sharon Wang 王硕君
University of Pensilvania 美国宾州州立大学

I think one of the greatest and most unexpected thing I gained from Cornel is the lasting friendships made as a student here. Our family still keeps in touch with other families that studied at Cornel, and it’s great growing up together. The English advantage I learned here made my transition to Canada much smoother. Coming back to Cornel and visiting the classrooms again made me think of many memories. I can’t believe Teacher Mike still teaches here. I miss the tiny toilets and the tiny chairs! I hope all the kids here gain as much out of Cornel as I did!

在康乃尔英语学习的过程中,我最惊讶的是我在这边交到了一生的好朋友!我的家庭和同学们的家庭至今都有保持联络,而且我们也一同成长。我在康乃尔学习的英文让我前往加拿大时可以更加顺利地适应国外的环境。再次回到康乃尔看看小时候的桌椅,让我回想起许多很棒的回忆。我真不敢相信小时候教导我的Teacher Mike还在这边任教,我也很想念小时候用的洗手间和桌椅都好迷你!我也希望所有就读康乃尔的小朋友都能像我一样获益良多!
