


電影《這個殺手不太冷》於1994年上映,由法國著名導演呂克 貝松執導,該片先後獲得日本電影學院獎最佳影片提名,和法國愷撒獎包括最佳導演、最佳男演員、最佳攝影、最佳剪輯等在內的七項重量級提名。總覺得他們怎麼也會冷,但是。。。。至從導演呂克 貝松 讓服裝設計師從新改款後:

嗯 這回放心了,穿上大花布才符合片名《這個殺手不太冷》嘛!

片尾曲Shape Of My Heart


  He deals the cards as a meditation  And those he plays never suspect  He doesnt play for the money he wins  He doesnt play for the respect  He deals the cards to find the answer  The sacred geometry of chance  The hidden law of probable outcome  The numbers lead a dance  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier

  I know that the clubs are weapons of war

  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But thats not the shape of my heart  He may play the jack of diamonds  He may lay the queen of spades  He may conceal a king in his hand  While the memory of it fades  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art

  But thats not the shape of my heart

  Thats not the shape, the shape of my heart  And if I told you that I loved you  Youd maybe think theres something wrong  Im not a man of too many faces  The mask I wear is one  Those who speak know nothing  And find out to their cost  Like those who curse their luck in too many places  And those who smile are lost

  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier

  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But thats not the shape of my heart  Thats not the shape of my heart

